Monday, October 11, 2010

Neighbor's Dog Shit

I recently noticed dog shit in my backyard. For a while there our grass was green and growing perfectly well. Now, it is all dead and random piles of dog shit keep popping up in our BACK yard. Our back yard is huge. The piles are right off of our back patio, right by our back door. I stepped in it yesterday afternoon when I was taking the girls out to play. In flip flops. Not fun.

We've had numerous issues with these neighbors before. These are the fucked up neighbors that don't watch their kids and basically don't even talk to us. They are the source of our gossip issues. I'm not surprised.

They left their dog chained up all summer long in a small cage and barely let it out. It reached over a 100 degrees during summer, and the dog would still be out there barking all day/night long. We didn't think we should call anyone because we had literally just moved in, and didn't want to cause a stink. It's their dog, so why worry?

Well, worry we have been recently. I first noticed the random piles of shit at the end of the summer. They had started taking their dog back inside their house, and letting it loose at night to do it's business. Two nights ago, I heard a dog barking like it was literally outside of my kitchen window. I flipped on the outside light switch, and there was their big husky dog taking a shit in our yard. What.the.fuck.

So, the next day, I went outside with the kids like we always do. Before, I had noticed random shit piles and cleaned it up. This time, I completely forgot about the shit and stepped right into a pile. Upon further closer inspection, there was over 15 piles in my yard. In the same general area.

I am not happy. We filed a police complaint, and have returned their "presents" onto their driveway. There are some piles in the front, but we decided to just clean those up ourselves. I'm honestly surprised that this is the reason our grass was dying, but apparently dog piss can burn and destroy grass. I should have known this.

God, I can't wait till we get a fence. I know our yard is a mess, but shit, if you want it cleaned up - pick up after your dog and don't let it loose.

Update: After filing the complaint, they are now leaving their presents on the sidewalk. I wrote in sidewalk chalk to "stop shitting here", and threw the piles back into their yard.

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