Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lady Gaga VS PETA

LOL. That story made me laugh. Gaga apparently wore a suit of meat to the VMAs? LMFAO Awesome. She probably did it as a political stand point. Funny as shit. I usually think her outfits are a little out there (like the airplane picture), but shit this one was too funny to laugh at.

Back in the day, PETA used to throw blood on people at the red carpet in REAL fur. They used to pretend like it wasn't their fault, they weren't going to pay for it yadda yadda. Gaga picked the perfect way to get back at them.

Yeah, I know there are some freak vegans out there and all that jazz. I'm a big meat eater. We hunt, fish, and do all kinds of shit that PETA would hate. We're top of the food chain, and there should be no reason why you shouldn't eat your kill etc. Sorry, but bambi is very tasty.

PETA made a comment about maggots being infested in the meat by the end of the show IF it were real. That made me laugh too. Assuming there were flies attracted to her meat suit, the maggots wouldn't "spawn" in less then 8 hours. Assuming that is how long the VMAs lasted. The larvae of flies actually take 8-20 hours to turn into maggots.

And...after doing a lot of research. Here is how long the actual show lasted at the VMAs. The preshow was 2 hours. From 7pm my time, till 9pm my time. The actual VMAs this year was going from 9pm my time, till about mightnight my time. That's 3 hours? Not enough time to have maggots crawling everywhere. I'm sure you can add in a few hours for her to get dressed, and the after party. Still not enough time.

PETA, you are officially retarded again, and you claim to know SO much about EVERYTHING animal and insect-related. Cute.

Side note: The video about Gaga stealing her dead "friend's" style, is a little whacky. Seems like this Lina Morgana's mother is jealous. Some of the pictures in the video don't even resemble each other, and if they do - that could be blamed on the STYLIST and the VIDEO director. While I feel bad for her that her daughter died, I don't think ripping on someone you claim was her "friend" is the way to grieve. Hell, Gaga could be dressing this way as a homage to your daughter. Ever think of that? Makes sense if they were SOO close. The mom seems pathetically obsessed with someone, who claims, doesn't even fucking know her. In the artist world, there are millions of copy-cats out there. Nothing is ever truly "original". Hell, Cher or Madonna have more of a right to be pissed at YOUR daughter if YOUR daughter is the originator of Gaga's "style".

As per mommy dearest's comments about her daughter not getting to show the world her style because Gaga ripped it off? TACKY! Your daughter took her life, probably because you were a shit mother. That is NOT ANYONE'S fault but YOURS AND YOUR DAUGHTER'S! Take some responsibility, bitch. Also, would you REALLY be proud of your daughter dressing like that? No WAY I would let MY kid dress like a whore.

Also, not really a Gaga fan.

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