Saturday, June 27, 2009

June, 26th, 2009

Beach day! Decided to take the girls to the beach to celebrate my eldest finally turning three years old. We had a great little party within our immediate family on her actual birthday, and then decided on Friday (today) to take her to the beach.

Does anyone else ever get tired of random strangers walking up to you and offering "helpful tips" on how to raise your kids? I don't think the general public doesn't seem to realize...these kids are NOT theirs! I don't care how you raise your kids, or how you think my daughter is a little too young to be swimming in the water. She's a pro-swimmer, has been since she was 1. She gets floaties, we keep an eye on her, and are always within 2 feet of her to make sure she doesn't "drown".

So there we were, at the beach, we had just finished getting the sunscreen on the girls. A mighty task with the little ones squirming and wanting to run right into the water. I'm pretty proud of the fact that my eldest actually WAITS now for one of us to be next to her before she takes off running, curls flying in the wind.

But this beach day was different, we had a group of 20 yr old girls laying down next to us. Most were tanning without their tops on, and let me tell you...I'm tired of seeing younger chicks with barely any clothes on, fat as hell, sitting near me. Newsflash: YOU ARE NOT ATTRACTIVE!

So there we were watching the eldest play in the waves, having a grand time like always, and one of the topless wonders walks up to me. I'm like, "ok, that's a little odd walking up to a random stranger." Then she utters the only words that I absolutely despise from non-parents. "Are you sure it's good to let her swim in the ocean without you holding onto her?"

Are you serious, you fat cow? Not only does this chick not have kids, but she is not my child's obviously she has no fucking clue that my daughter is a water baby. Also, the waves weren't even "waves" more like small little rifts. Not even waves.  My husband is standing right next to her!!!

To all of you not openly question how another person is raising their children if they are obviously 100% safe. Unless you see a parent all out abuse a child, butt the fuck out. I'm pretty that having young children instantly labels us as "new parents" to some of the older folks, but hey guys! We have been raising our children fairly effectively since they've been born. Unless we are outright asking you for advice, do NOT give your advice out. Most of us could care less for your advice about socks, swimming, talking etc.

It's kind of like being pregnant, you don't want the entire world rubbing on your stomach. It is a gross invasion of privacy, and stepping into my "bubble". Just like with my kids, do not step within 3 feet of them and do not offer your shitty advice to me.

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