Sunday, October 30, 2011

Nervous wreck

I went to talk to a neighbor today, whom wasn't home but the husband was. I wanted to speak to her about the school my daughter is attending and what could possibly be done with homeschooling. Maybe it might be better? This woman runs a homeschool out of her house, so she is just the person to ask.

I was such a nervous wreck. I cried when I mentioned my daughter's bullying and schoolwork. Apparently, I'm horrible with people - which I already knew. But, really? To cry? Since when do I cry? What.the.fuck.

Now, I feel like I made such an ass out of myself that I can't even show my face again in public. I'm supposed to call the wife later and speak to her when she is home. I'm not sure how I'm going to do that. Uck!!!! I just hope I don't start crying again.

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