Friday, December 16, 2011

School Policy really??

So, as I have posted numerous times about before. There was yet again another issue at my daughter's school. Nice.

Just a bit of a backdrop. My daughter has been bullied since day 1 of school. Her teahcer is some 23 yr old idiot, that doesn't know how to handle kids at ALL. I attended her very first field trip just so I could see for myself whom was bullying my daughter, and see how other students interact with my child. What I saw for myself, with my OWN two eyes was two children (one being instigated by the other - a girl) pulling my daughter's hair and spitting on her. While she was sitting next to me. Great. So, who knows what is happening when no one is watching right? This was back in? Sept?

It just gets worse from there.

Nov 4th
Daughter is lost at school, Daughter's BFF's mother finds her.
For two hours my daughter was missing. The school, even to this day, refuses to admit that they had any wrongdoing in it. First off, it is school "policy" to have the teachers standing with the kindergarteners after school to make sure they go home with the appropriate parents. The teacher was not doing her job this day, or any other day. I didn't find out about this policy until AFTER this happened. Secondly, there is security, the principal, and numerous parents that volunteer to help with the after-school madness. None of them were around when this occurred. Thirdly, on the actual buses themselves, there are only 10 students per bus ALWAYS. This is a small town, and even the bus driver didn't notice my daughter was in the wrong place. Great. There are loads of safeguards for the students, to stop things like this from happening and none of them were adherred to.

Not only that, but it took 2 hours to find my daughter. The school likes to take credit for finding her, however they did not. Another parent called the school and knew she was not where she was supposed to be. Another parent found my child. Not. The. School.

Aside from that, after a lengthy discussion with the principal, he has decided to blame two 5 yr olds over the incident. Taking zero responsibility himself. He has yet to apologize for what has happened, and no I have never been late picking my daughter up from school.

Nov 11th
Daughter's BFF receives black eye for defending Daughter - says was a boy
BFF told he is a liar

Ok, so obviously the bullying has not stopped yet. This is an issue, and I address it with BFF's mother that night on the phone. We cannot pinpoint whom the offender is, but later realize it is a boy named Kanyon that did it because Riley (girl bully) decided to punish MY daughter for not being "cool". Yes, you heard it from here. My daughter was being bullied because this little snot of a girl needs a swift spanking. Bad parenting.

BFF tells a parent volunteering in the classroom, turns out to be Riley's mother, and is called a liar. It is never reported to anyone else.

Nov 15th
Daughter reports being poked, and is told she is a liar

Once again, my daughter is bullied again at school. She has started wetting the bed again. She cries when I mention taking her to school the next day. Informs me that Riley-bitch is still poking, pushing, and hitting her. Also informs me that she has been called a liar about the bullying to her face as well. Not a fan. I discuss this with teacher again.

Nov 18th
Riley poking and pushing Daughter on the "blue line"

No idea what the blue is. After much investigating, it turns out to be the blue line in front of the basketball hoop in the gym. I arm myself to talk to the teacher again, calm as always. I will be speaking to the teacher soon as school opens again.

Nov 21st
Daughter and BFF walk up to myself, teacher and BFF's mother. Riley pushed BFF in PE, in front of another teacher.

It is handlded swiftly. Until now, all school personnel have thought we were crazy in suggesting our children were being bullied. Now, they finally believe us.

December 15th
Daughter is punched in the face by BFF, school refuses to tell me the specifics of whom did it - citing school policy. I scream at said teachers.

Mind you, today was the worst day to have this happen. I was in the hospital for an overnight stay. I am having my gallbladder removed asap. Apparently, if I had of waited longer then another few hours I would be dead. I have a stone the size of my fist inside of my gallbladder and if I had not of been seen...I would be dead in 24-48 hrs. Nice huh?

While in the hospital, getting ready for emergency surgery, my brother receives a phone call stating that my daughter has been physically assaulted in school. We ask for specifics, due to the fact that we know it was either BFF or Riley-bitch. I am told that I need to ask my 5 yr old who hit her, due to school "policy". Huh? I AM SUPPOSED TO ASK MY 5 YR OLD WHOM HURT HER BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO CHICKEN SHIT TO TELL ME YOURSELF?

I MAKE the hospital sign me out so I can go handle this. I was supposed to be in an overnight stay. I put my surgery on hold to deal with this. I show up at the school, ask my daughter...yes it was BFF. BFF is a good kid, and I'm not surprised he is picking up these habits at school (he was not raised like this!) as they have been bullied for so long.

I am informed that my daughter was not in "any danger" (yeah right), and they cannot release that information to me - even though BFF and BFF's mother are standing right there. LOL This is laughable, at best. I am then also informed that this is a part of learning social skills. Since when is hitting, bullying, and losing my child part of learning social skills? It's not. I lose it, and start yelling that if something like this happens ONE MORE TIME I will rip my daughter out of their school. That I've been handling this VERY calmly until now, and I've had it with their garbage. I grab my daughter's hand, and tell her I am not sure if she will be attending the next day's school session.

Obviously, I should have kept my temper. However, when someone is in the hospital getting ready for you really think it would be a wise move to call them and tell them you can't tell them WHO hit your kid? Really? This could have been handled better on THEIR part, during ALL instances. This is only the list of problems that I have documented.

I will be contacting my attorney about their negligence on numerous occassions, and I will also be contacting the super-intendent again. This will now be the 3rd time I have had to call him in regards to this school.

Otherwise, I'm super pissed.

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