Saturday, September 7, 2013

Momzilla or Bridezilla?

I am on the MILs side. I have a terrible MIL, and horrible GMIL.  So, I know both sides of the fence.

At the very least, Heidi was talking badly about the MIL and rest of the family in a PUBLIC local location.  Did she really think this wouldn't get back to the MIL?  Regardless of everything else that *might* of happened in the MILs eyes, THIS is by far the WORST thing ANYONE can do.

Not only that, but Heidi's little negative gossiping did NOT stop with the locals...she ALSO forwarded the email to CONTINUE her smear compaign.

Yes, the letter was harsh.  However, I don't blame the MIL for 1) emailing (she probably didn't want to get into a screaming match with this girl), and 2) pointing out that her future DIL is a RUDE, GOSSIPING, EVIL not a bad thing.

I'd be fairly angry if someone was constantly gossiping about MY family, WHILE they were in my house...and even when I tried to address my many concerns (some of which were petty), she forwarded what I said.

As per the "diabetes" aspect of Heidi's rudeness, I don't buy it for one second.  Even if you could excuse some of the dinner rituals/rudeness for her diabetes, there are millions of OTHER people who have diabetes and do NOT act like this.  It also does NOT excuse Heidi's penchant for negative gossip.

I also think that while Heidi's parents are not paying for much of the wedding, for Heidi to pretentiously make comments about getting married in a CASTLE (ffs)...while in front of the just insane.  Regardless of her parents situation, if her parents aren't helping with 50% of the wedding...the MIL has EVERY right to tell this little princess she is WAY off base.  It may be the bride's wedding, but if the ILs are paying...they have a say in the BUDGET.  I think it's completely unrealistic and downright spoiled to want to get married in a castle, without offering any financial assistance to get to that goal.

I don't feel any sympathy for Heidi.  She opened a can of worms, and when she got called on it...she decided to stir the pot more.  Heidi needs to grow the fuck up.

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