Sunday, December 29, 2013

Bad Parenting, Assault, and a Sleigh Ride

For some reason, my "due any day" self decided to go with the ILs for a sleigh ride.  It was all the ILs, my children, husband and I.  What was supposed to only take about an hour, actually took close to 4.5 hours of JUST waiting in the freezing cold.  Yes, we stubbornly waited in line for 4.5 hours for a sleigh ride in 10 degree weather.  At least it wasn't snowing, right?

Worst part about the sleigh ride:  We ALL have bronchitis now, and it wasn't even a real sleigh ride.  It was a cart driven by some horses and they took us around in a circle to stare at some elk.  So not only did we all get sick, it wasn't a sleigh ride, AND we were stuck with that one asshole who has to ask the world's dumbest questions to make the ride take longer.  Yes, we've all encountered that one dickhead.  "Where does the money from my tickets go??"  Well, that is something you could have asked while buying the tickets!  Why are you making this take longer?!  It got to the point that the man doing the ride just started ignoring him.

The worst part about waiting in line:  it was the bad parenting and assault.  Mind you, this entire time I'm avoiding the people in front of us because they kept hitting me with their jacket.  Apparently someone forgot their jacket, and they had to keep switching the jacket in between people.  After the second hit with the zipper, I started standing about a foot back to avoid getting hit by it.

So, there we are...almost done with the wait from hell, and this "mother" that is on the opposite side of the fence decided it would be a FANTASTIC idea to let her 5 children climb the top of the dividing fence.  This is one of those old wooden fences, that was really rickety and was really dangerous to be climbing.  Meaning, those kids were going to fall or get hurt no matter what.  It was patently obvious, so I once again made sure to be about a foot away from the people in front of us and a foot away from the fence.  I obviously didn't stand far enough away, as this idiot kid decided to try to stand straight up on the top of the fence, and completely falls on me.

Then it happens...kid falls right on top of me, and kicks me in my hip while going down.  For anyone that has been diagnosed with SPD (Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction/Pelvic Girdle Pain), they know exactly HOW painful this really is.  It was still painful even afterwards, while on my hydrocone (I had taken 5 pills that day just in case).  I can barely walk even while on that massive medication.  I have been seeing a physical therapist for weeks, and I have been told that my left hip is dislocated permanently (for now hopefully) by over 4 inches.  That's actually quite a bit.

So, he lands on me and the mom's natural instinct is "Oh my god baybbbeeee are you okay???"  Kid is obviously fine, since he landed on squishy me.  So my response is: "Oh my god that hurt, he kicked me in the hip!"  She says,  "It was just an accident".  Bitch that doesn't excuse shit.  There were plenty of older people there with CANES, what would you have said if he landed on one of them?  Just because I'm wearing a big fluffy jacket, and look 100% healthy, doesn't EXCUSE what just happened.

So, I'm like "Well, don't worry, I'm just standing here pregnant.  I totally deserved it."  She turns to her little snot, and is like "Would you like to apologize to the woman?"  Firstly:  I'm not a woman, I'm a LADY.  Secondly, since when is it up to the CHILD to apologize when they do something wrong?  The kid obviously says no, and I don't even get an apology.

If that were one of my children, I'd make them apologize myself (I wouldn't of even questioned if the kid wanted to or not!) and I would apologize too.  It was bad and lack of parenting that caused this situation.  No wonder kids these days are such little snots.  They get CHOICES when they do something wrong and their parents are missing common sense!  You do something wrong to someone else - you apologize and make it better.  As a parent, you do NOT give the child a choice after LANDING on someone!

She obviously diminished what had happened due to how I look healthy and young.  If this little shit had landed on one of the older people, she'd have been apologizing out her ass.  Yet, she didn't with me.  Fantastic parenting!

So, last night, my entire hip wouldn't move or relocate back into place.  When I woke up, I was still getting the pulsing pain down my entire left leg.  That is WITH my pain medication.  But, it was just an accident right?  I should let it go, right?  Right.

PS.  Hip pain + bronchitis = bad.  No more sleigh rides.

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