Monday, November 3, 2014

Husband's Co-Worker Arrested - Negligent Homicide

My husband works the late shift at a call center (7:20pm-6:15am) with about 6 other people.  He has a coworker who recently had been in an accident after getting off from his shift (he works the same shift as my husband).  The guy he works with is a total dick (my husband has always disliked him but my husband was always too nice to get him to go away).  Everyone hates him now, obviously.

Okay, so according to my husband (friends, Kalin, and newspapers) here is the jist of what happened the night/morning of the accident (Sept 25th, 2014):

Kalin went into work but kept falling asleep at his desk.  So, all of the people near him kept poking/shaking him awake and he kept repetitively falling asleep.  If you fall asleep at your desk, you get a point (10-12 and you are fired).  He had 9 points at the time, so they kept waking him up so the Team Leader wouldn't see.  Eventually, right before the end of shift, the TL does see and writes Kalin up for it.  Even getting written up didn't phase Kalin, because he still continued to fall asleep afterwards.  This was completely unlike him and had never happened before.

Kalin gets off shift and apparently falls asleep at the wheel.  At around 6:30am, he hits a jeep that is turning in the left turn lane while he is in the left straight lane.  (He basically clips the back right of the jeep)  The jeep does a big u-turn and gets hit by an on-coming pick up truck.  This happened on the only major road out of our tiny town.  It was within minutes of the call center (~5 minutes).  Kalin was driving a silver mini-van.

Here's where it gets fucked up...Kalin takes zero responsibility for the accident.  He refuses to admit that he fell asleep (in the car or at work), even though everyone pretty much figured it out and basically SAW him falling asleep.  He tells the cops that there was something wrong with his steering, and that is why he hit the jeep.  So, the cops have to investigate...and it takes a LONG time to investigate (over 2 months) before people finally get fed up with his lies.

The guy he hit?  Well, he died on impact.  He had 2 kids.  He wasn't wearing a seat belt.  The pickup truck that hit the jeep (from opposing traffic) is destroyed but the driver is alive.  Kalin had only a bruise on his chest from hitting the steering wheel.  All 3 vehicles were demolished, basically.

So, while the cops are investigating...the coworkers (and hubby) are trying to figure out what to do with the information they keep getting from Kalin.  But, they are all pretty much disgusted with him.  It's one thing to make an honest mistake and fall asleep at the wheel (the dude KNEW he was too tired to work, let alone drive).  What pissed everyone off was his attitude afterwards.

(People even offered to drive him home, but he refused.  Everyone at work, hubby included, feels guilty about what happened...but they couldn't force Kalin NOT to drive when he is a grown adult.  Hubby even called the cops right after Kalin left about him driving erratically, but they never pulled Kalin over.  It looks like they never even responded to the 911 call he placed.)

Not only did the guy act like it wasn't a big deal, but he kept making comments like: "Oh, they won't charge me"  "They have nothing on me!"  Things like that.  Basically acting like the complete dick that we all knew he was.  His attitude about it pissed everyone off at work so bad, that they all ratted him out about how he was definitely falling asleep at work (and wasn't anymore awake before he left).  So, they all did and he was arrested within 48 hours (October 31st, 2014).  **I assume he most likely would not have been charged until people came forwards**

The cops actually DID walk into the call center and arrested him on the spot.  He was cuffed and put into a squad car immediately, and transferred to the local jail for holding.

The charges include:  Negligent homicide (Class A Misdemeanor) and Operating a Vehicle W/out Insurance (moving violation).  His punishment will most likely be: Up to one year in jail, Up to $2,500 (for the AM) and we're unsure of what it will be for w/out a license (he could lose it forever).

My husband is just happy that he won't have to see him for at least 6 months, and he's finally getting punished for what happened.  All of us are actually left feeling like Kalin actually deserves to get MORE time for what he did...but we understand that is not likely.

Here's his booking information -

The original news story on it (other sites might of copied this information, but didn't have as much detail) -

The original article says that Kalin got into the turn lane, but that's not accurate.  Kalin told coworkers and my husband that he fell asleep while in the straight lane, and somehow managed to hit the guy.  Kalin doesn't remember falling asleep, but he remembers bits/pieces before and after.  He does remember right after he hit the jeep, he remembers waking up to the "little bump" (it was far from little, Kalin was going around 50 mph).

His facebook page:

No one knows why Kalin was passing out at work, he never said.  He still refuses to accept responsibility (he is currently out on bail but not at work).  Coworkers (and hubby) are due to testify about his behavior before/after the accident (we are hoping this won't be required though).  I told my husband to spare no details about the type of person Kalin REALLY is when he went in with his side of Kalin's actions, and if possible to tell Purser's family how very sorry we are for their loss.


Local news have picked up the story again.  Here is a semi-update on it.

According to Kalin's interview (he IS still currently in jail), he had not slept for close to 72 hours before the accident.  He only had about 3 hours of sleep in the 72 hours prior.  He assumed that he could stay awake with energy drinks.  Supposedly, he was driving without a license, too (this is unconfirmed...).  Supposedly he was also working 2 jobs at the time, though none of my husband's coworkers remember him saying such a thing.  (We think it's a bullshit excuse)  Kalin had never had an issue falling asleep at work before this, so we're not sure...

There is an interview with the widow, and as you can see from the comments...he DID have two kids.  Once again, we are VERY sorry for their loss and hope Kalin remains in prison for a very long time.

Update 2017:

The trial has been postponed.  He is still fighting the case, claiming now that he looked over his shoulder to swap lanes and accidentally rear-ended the other driver.  He still looks the same as he did before...

The judge was also asked to dismiss the manslaughter case.  This will be decided on Feb 7th.

Several of the coworkers have been testifying against him.  The card game they were playing was Magic the Gathering, my husband is the one that started the tradition of playing the game during low call volumes.

Another report on it.  My husband and the rest of the "team" all sat in the same bay.  So, all of the coworkers' statements are the same to police (basically).

As shown in my comments below, my husband has already spoke with police and we are barely involved.  The prosecutor should really interrogate the witnesses about his attitude at work AFTER the crash happened, because Kalin did continue to show up to work until he was fired.  He did a lot of talking at work about the accident, and showed very little remorse.


Unknown said...

Just to clarify he had a daughter Angela and 2 boys Brayson Tayden. Glad u posted this! It's very sad they will forever go without their best friend their idol their daddy! So sad��

Alysrian said...
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Alysrian said...
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Alysrian said...

Thanks for telling me, we had no idea any specific details. We were going by what the cops told my husband.

I decided to post this simply because the news and police were doing a shoddy job of reporting what had happened. As you can see, NOW they are reporting on it and it has finally turned serious.

Please let his family know how very sorry we are for their loss.

Unknown said...

Not any words to the family or anything there's no remorse! Just excuses! Not right!

Unknown said...

It's sad others choices and neglect are leaving these innocent babies with the emptiness without their daddy for one. And also Lee's father who already lost his wife and daughter now his son!

Unknown said...

I will let them know

Anonymous said...

Why are comments deleted

purser said...

Thank you again for everything. Coming fwd and helping my family is the best thing they all could do

Alysrian said...

I deleted my own comments due to being duplicates. All other comments are required to be filtered through first, as there have been some nasty comments before (and I'd rather not deal with it).

I cannot see why I'd attempt to contact anonymous, we are dealing directly with the police, if needed (so far it is being handled from what we know).

It seems like the case is strong, and the family will get some semblance of justice.

purserm said...

I am Leigh's wife and was told to have the person who called 911 get a hold of the prosecuting attorney his name is Spencer. I want this guy to pay for what he's done to our family

Alysrian said...

We have already contacted the police and given our own separate statements. That information has been forwarded to the prosecuting attorney, from what we were told. There is nothing more for us to do at this point.

Unknown said...

It says the cops didn't pull him over need to see if there responded to the call. Luv u monica and I'm sorry ur going through this

Alysrian said...

As previously stated: The cops have our statements and any/all pertinent information has been forwarded to the necessary people. We are not in charge of the police investigation, his trial, or anything else. We are simply his coworkers.

I feel for the family, I really do. But, please stop spamming my small blog with 20+ messages a day, and trying to contact me. We are not in charge of this investigation, we have done what we could. Contact the proper authorities with your concerns. Not us. We are private parties and in no way involved in this.

We are NOT in charge of the investigation. We are a family who does not need to be harassed to do MORE, when we have already done enough. Please take this time to grieve for your loss and stop spamming strangers (who have already helped more then enough) to do MORE. We have done enough.

Anonymous said...

Sorry leigh is gone but on a side note I think this post is crap. You act like you know everything but don't even know how many kids leigh had, so what makes you feel like you should know how many jobs the driver had? I think he needs punished, yes but you being the judge and jury is bs. As for leigh's "so called" wife they haven't been together for sometime and is playing the victim. It's sad because his girlfriend is the one that is hurting and the children but she's acting like she cares and funny how that works when you're in the bar the same night instead of being home with your kids. She's a joke.
rip leigh, I hope your daughter and stepsons and dad get through this without more problems (crazy b monica for one)

Alysrian said...

I don't know the Purser family, and we were told via the police he had 2 children (not sure if that is accurate). I DO know Kalin, as does my husband. We DO know he was not working two jobs.

Am I really supposed to somehow know some random family that I've never met before? Right. Your logic is faulty. We have no idea whom the Purser family is, and this blog post is on the side of knowing ONLY Kalin. Which you would know, IF you had read it.

I know nothing about the family, but I do feel for their loss. Even if they are divorced or not, his children AND everyone that knew him is hurting.

I only allowed this post simply to show everyone the type of messages I have been receiving. THIS is why I do NOT allow assholes to post on my anon blog.

This poster is obviously issues in itself, so naturally, I will not be allowing any more of their posts.

purserm said...

I'm playing the victim??? Who is raising kids without there father who's life has changed forever? Ours has. Just an FYI I was NOT at the bar the day Leigh passed. Leigh had no girlfriend just a lady friend. What i do in MY life is none of your business and just an FYI I have my kids everyday if that matters to you. Like o said this is my life worry about your own and stay out of mine. I will fight to get justice for Leigh's death. Leave me and my family alone

Unknown said...

I feel it's ur post u can post what u want and to ur knowledge alysrian u r fine. I am thankful for u n ur honesty! I will not post anymore on ur things blog thing ok have a great day

Alysrian said...

It is not up to the public to judge Leigh's familial life. Even if his ex-wife (current wife??) was a drunken alcoholic, who does drugs doe NOT matter. What the previous poster did was attempt to victim blame the family.

This family is going through a terrible tragedy, and the original heinous poster needs to stop trolling ALL sites. I have seen these types of comments on other news sites, whomever this is...really need to step back and realize this IS NOT ABOUT THEM.

This is about a TERRIBLE TRAGEDY that directly effect his children. If anything, the original poster and everyone else should be made aware that this is about how to MOVE ON and GRIEVE...not blast things over the internet (with zero to no proof of what they are saying).

I wish the family luck with their court case, and hope they can grieve appropriately. We are sorry for your loss, no matter how people want to diminish that loss.

Anonymous said...

I now work with this asshole. I read this and can confirm. He makes comments to people about how he drives and it was only an accidnt. complete dick. he has kids. someone fucked him!!! sad sad. I hate him and home he goes to jail after hid feb trial. byebye