Monday, July 12, 2010

Jake and Vienna

Wow...I finally got to watch the interview between the two of them (took me about 3 weeks to get caught up the Bachlorette). I'm about to pick it apart! Honestly, I watched it about 12 times in order to make sure I heard everything correctly. I didn't like either of them during their season, and this just proves that my gut instinct is amazing. Plus, if that many people think the guy is fake - then he's fake. If that many people hate the chick because she's a drama whore, then she's a drama whore.

Here's my thoughts. Vienna is a fame whore and so is Jake, however he has a point that she went to almost every single tabloid in the country first - for money, obviously (previous marriage shows how much she loves money). But, in the end, both of them sold their stories...and I have a feeling like Jake would have sold his story if he had the offer. I don't believe either one of them about that.

As per Jake emotionally abusing her because their relationship was going down hill? That's nowhere close to being emotionally abusive. At all. To cry those crocodile tears over a failed relationship and claim all that crap is just WOAH. Every relationship has issues, and most of them /gasp, DO end.

Do I think Vienna was cheating? I think she did some screwed up stuff that she's not admitting, but I doubt she would be stupid enough to cheat when their relationship was so public. She already looks bad because of her ex, and now this? Yeah, she's gonna look even worse and I think that was Jake's aim saying that she cheated.

As per him not being a pilot anymore? It's HIS life, not hers. Yeah, she didn't like the LA scene or that he wanted to be actor...but she's not married to him yet or will be. What he does with HIS career, is honestly none of her business. So, honestly, why not leave as soon as things turned south? Oh that's right...because SHE likes the fame too. She claims she supported him during Dancing With the Stars, kind of makes me wonder why she decided to suddenly go back on that support.

As a military spouse, moving constantly, and having to find jobs left and right...THAT'S REAL support. Military wives are 150% more supportive then she can even PRETEND to be. I dislike people who are hypocrites.

Likewise, I don't have respect for any female that mooches off a man without getting a job. She complained about not having a car or money, but dang girl...GET A JOB! What job did she say she has? Marketting? That's a field honey, not a specific job. How about you show us a pay stub and then talk smack. Also, she supposedly hates LA (like she said in the beginning) and ONLY wants to go back to FL, yet she has made roots in LA. Not surprised.

Let's not even get into the fact that she claims her "small hometown" knows all about this yadda yadda. She's from Geneva, Fl. The population there is 2,895 (in 2007). I'm from a small town. Velva, ND. Population 609 in 2010. THAT'S small. I doubt over 3,000 people know or even LIKE you. Your reasons are faulty, girlie.

I think this was a typical passionate relationship that ended in a ball of flames. I don't think either one was to blame more then the other. They both destroyed it. Like most relationships that are dying, either party will want to try to make it work - hence the back and forth on it. (Not a sign of emotional abuse, Vienna) I bet 100 bucks that she was the one on her knees begging him not to leave though, I don't see prideful Jake begging her to stay.

As per her accusations in the tabloids about him threatening to hit her. I didn't see that AT ALL. I saw her constantly attacking him, him giving off some random insults, and him getting constantly interrupted. Seems like she has that say she always wanted! I did the hand motions myself, when he snapped a bit. (I think he might have a temper issue with her...who wouldn't be pissed when she's constantly talking over him!) I can see a fist pulled back as a threat, or even a hand in slap position...but not what he did. Cue the crocodile tears!

They both claim neither one of them wants to be on the cameras all the time, yet here they are. She's selling her story to any tabloid who gives a rat's butt, and he's flitting from show to show - including this one. You're both fame wh0res.

She claims they didn't spend any time together and when they did he wasn't very affectionate. Then not 5minutes later, she is saying that they did spend time together! Get your stories straight people!

I like how she completely changed the topic after he says the boy went on record that she was cheating. She goes back instantly to the "who broke up with whom". Way to change topics.

100% I give him credit for not losing his cool earlier. He must have a lot more patience then I do. I HATE it when peopel constantly interrupt me and don't let me talk. I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did. She wanted to know how you get sick of someone so fast? Easy. You're a crazy b1tch and won't stop talking smack! I was sick of her on her season within 2minutes. Why is she surprised about this?

I fully understand what he is saying about being intimate with someone who underminds them. I wouldn't wanna touch someone like that with a 10 foot pole, let alone make out with. She'd be hell to live with, for sure. He's right. She doesn't exactly respect him, and I doubt he respects her after everything. There's no basis for a relationship without trust and respect...

I'm surprised he admitted to the GPS thing. Throwing the GPS does seem a little bit of an anger problem, but I can see it happening near the end of their relationship and him just being fed up with her antics. Notice how when he actually gets to talk, she draws all the attention back on herself by crying and interrupting again?

She also seems to think a relationship is all about sex. It's not. Most couples have less sex as the relationship gets longer. It's called life. People get busy and tired. I should know, 3 kids and married 15 years. Crying me a river over the fact your BOYFRIEND doesn't want you. Just dump him and move on, don't go out saying to the world he's gay. Petty. Yes, intimacy is a part of it, but it's not a HUGE part of it.

I can see how he was mean to her and treated her like a child. She ACTS like one. Granted, you shouldn't want to date someone who does act like one, so he's at fault there too. But, honestly, can anyone else say that they would wanna be in a relationship with someone who thinks sex is all there is and interrupting you all the time? I wouldn't be able to stand that.

She claims he brought her out to LA, but she had a choice in it. I'm sure she knew of his plans before they actually got out there, otherwise she wouldn't of gone along with it. I think after she got out there, she had a change of heart and said screw this. If you have a choice not to do something, then NO ONE is forcing you to do ANYTHING.

How the fuck has she fooled so many people!? Why do people believe in her fake ass tears??? I didn't believe it in a heartbeat. She really needs to get over herself.

I still don't even get the dog shit. I know people care about their animals like they do their kids, but I can't really relate to that. Cry me a fucking river about the dog already. It's a fucking dog!

I loved the end when he said for the 100th time to stop interrupting him, she pauses a second and bursts out in this fake tears! LOL Talk about staged! The storm out was priceless. He starts talking about shit again, attention on him, and all of a sudden...she's storming out, insulting and crying. LOL "He's soooo mean to me!" LMFAO

Do I believe he's never raised his voice during another relationship? Hell no. We all raise our voices in arguments. I gotta say, at the end of it all..I didn't really see much emotion from him. He got angry, sure - understandable...but he didn't burst out the fake tears or anything. This whole thing was a shrug off his back and not a big deal - whereas, fake ass Vienna was saying it was absolutely horrific! ( willing to sell the horrific story of her breakup! I wouldn't do that, talk about embarassing. You don't see Sandra Bullock selling her story, do you?)

He's right. They have terrible communication. Horrible! I seem that as a fault of both of them, but mainly her. He loses his temper after a while (as any normal person would), and SHE just continues the attention whoring.

In the end, their relationship was terrible and I think they are both to blame. Neither one is gay, both of them are attention whores, and the insults flying aren't really helping the situation.

PS. Someone tell Vienna that her fake tears don't work on real women. My sister used to do that storm out - fake tears thing when she was 10 and not getting her way. Really melodramatic and fake. I think my 4 year old is starting to do it too. Goes to show you how mature she REALLY is.


Anonymous said...

She didn't say that Jake was gay, she said that the guy that she had over at the house was gay. This was the guy that Jake said she was cheating with.

Alysrian said...

I said gay because in one of the tabloids she claimed he was gay. I'll find the link.

That's just the fastest one I could find. I was searching through google one night, and saw it. Apparently she has been hinting that he is gay for quite a while.