Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Neighbor Drama

Decided to finally get off our butts today and go grocery shopping for the month. We only go when we absolutely need to, since the girls act up a lot. Our grass is turning green again, which is a good thing. Yay!

Went to go drive down the street, and the bus was there dropping off kiddlings. The bus isn't supposed to go into the actual community to drop kids off, so we thought it was weird. The "stop" sign wasn't flashing or anything, and all the kids had already gotten off the bus. Bus starts moving away, we're going about 5-10mph down the street.

Hubby slows down, doesn't stop (we were already crawling) and the chick behind the bus decides to give us the Jersey hand. So, I flipped her off. Apparently, we were wrong NOT to stop for a bus that was already moving, not dropping kids off, and not even supposed to be there. What a bitch.

I get it. There are crazy drivers in our neighborhood. However, we were going 5-10mph (prolly 5 near the bus) and we weren't speeding. We slowed down and let some kids cross the street, but when they were done we kept going. Apparently this is a big no-no in our little LDS community.

I get why she was pissed off. She thought we were going to run over the kids or whatever. However, we didn't run any kids over and we weren't speeding. According to the driver's law here, if you are on the opposite side of a school bus, you ONLY slow down IF they don't have their lights flashing. So, naturally we weren't breaking any laws and not purposely trying to run anyone over.

I'm starting to wonder why these people have such a problem with US, when THEY are the ones that speed around the corner by my house almost doing wheelies in their cars. I mean what the fuck. Way to pick the entirely WRONG battle! If you don't like how people are driving, pick on the people that actually DO SOMETHING WRONG!

What a bitch. I'm happy I screamed coke whore out the window and flipped her off. I didn't appreciate her nasty attitude. It's not like we were speeding or running over kids. We were already driving really slow, and making sure we were letting kids cross the street.

Side note: Who the fuck allows thei 4 yr old on a school bus? Apparently, that is the norm around here. I'll NEVER let my kid take a school bus that young. What a bunch of fucked up parents. (This is AFTER the first day we moved in, our terribad neighbors actually FORGOT their kid was coming home from school. I had to call the cops and wait for Mommy-dearest to come home. Apparently, she forgot all about her kid. Terrible parents!)

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