Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Real Housewives of NJ - Season 2, Episode 10

I just got done watching the blow out at the country club and HAD to comment. Danielle was calling Jacelyn's daughter a coke whore, sitting on her phone during the entire even because (wahhh) she wasn't sitting near the host, attacking Teresa's financial situation, and then to top it all off - she breaks a heel and claims she can't fucking walk. Are you serious?!

I get that Teresa probably wanted to see if they could talk and be somewhat civil to each other since they seem to run in the same circles. However, Danielle handled that situation VERY badly. She acted like a child! I laughed when Teresa called her an old hag and a bitch, cause she is one!

I thought it was funny that Daniel's friends were trying to hold Teresa back because apparently they thought she was going to kill Danielle. You don't just insult someone to their face and run the fuck away. That shit is childish. If you're gonna say it, have the balls to take what you got coming back to you.

Aside from that, someone told Teresa to "act like she has class". Wow, that'd piss me off even more! What the fuck. Danielle was the one starting all that shit and acting like a child! I'd probably yell at the guy that said that to me too. Danielle crying in the car was really over the top. Someone pulled your hair. Boohoo. I've gotten into much worse fights. Plus, after all the shit she's said and done - she deserved it.

As per Ashely saying her mom picked Danielle over her, that's fucked up. Ashley is a spoiled little bitch. Does Ashely deserve to get arrested for it? Yeah, but she doesn't deserve any real jail time since she's a first offender. Hopefully this will teach her a lesson, and she'll actually respect what her mother says now. Danielle is doing a whole pity party because an 18 yr old girl pulled her hair (which is how much teenagers react when they want to fight someone), when Daniel is over 50!!! Danielle claims it was handfuls, but it was one tug. IF any hair came out, I'm sure it didn't hurt as much as she was acting. My kids pull my hair all the time, and while it hurts, I know that they are just kids.

It's sad when the cops know you by name, and know of all your drama. That's sad. The cops here have no idea who I even am, and I'd like to keep it that way! Danielle doesn't even seem to notice that even the cops don't care for her shit!

Danielle is acting like the other women want her dead. I'm sure they wouldn't care if she died, but they aren't trying to kill her. Talk about a drama queen. She's overreacting to everything. The hair she was holding up isn't even the same color as her hair. What the hell. I'm sure Ashley didn't pull THAT much out, and if she did Danielle wouldn't be holding it. It'd be on the ground or in Ashley's possession.

Even when she is talking about her energist, Danielle is saying things like "they will go from hair pulling to killing me!". That's a big leap, honey. Her kids already don't have a mom, so obviously she is completely off the ball. It wasn't even the adults who attacked her, it was a KID. Plus, I LOVED the way she pulled over in the middle of the street blocking all of the cars to get Jaceline's number. What the fuck. Talk about a selfish, entitled bitch. Take a turn onto the nearest side street and park. Don't just stop moving in the middle of fucking traffic!

I also think it's really tacky of Danielle to be giving out Jaceline's phone number. I don't give out people's phone numbers to strangers like that. If Danielle is having such a "spiritual" problem, she needs to be dealing with it on her own and not trying to drag other people into it. That was tacky.

I can't believe that Danielle is trying to say she doesn't like to complain about people (especially legally). The cops know her by name, and all she does is complain. Nonstop. The others are trying to live their lives, and Danielle keeps dredging shit up for no reason. She's a hateful bitch with nothing better to do.

Her eyes are twitching, she has neck pain, and has a bald spot now. From one yank. Right. Uh huh, and Santa Claus has bunny ears. What the fuck ever. Talk about begging for sympathy. Yeah, Ashley is completely dangerous and will escalate to kill you - all because she yanked your hair. Oh, and you're also doing her a favor by getting her arrested. What an uppity psycho! Ashley is also NOT much larger then her. She's like half her size, and no she doesn't have anger management problems. She was protecting her mother (so she says, I don't believe it) and attacking back after all the shit Danielle has done.

I liked Chris (Jaceline's husband). He told Ashley what was what, and even after he made all of those good points I'm sure Ashley doesn't give a fuck. She still thinks she knows everything and what she does, is 100% correct. She wasn't right. She handled a bad situation, really badly. She doesn't have a right to pull her hair even if she hit her mother. Apparently, Ashley has a lot of growing up to do and if she was my daughter I would have beat the shit outta her years ago. She is treating her mother with such disrespect, that I want to pull HER hair.

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