Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Nerve Endings x2

Okay, so I did a post a while back about them killin my nerve endings and how I would need to do it again every 1-2 months because they regrow. This is my update on how the overall status of my cysts were AFTER the treatment. I wanted to wait a while before I posted again, and had my facts straight.

Basically, the overall process is painful as shit. I explained it in a blog post a few posts ago. But, after the first week (and the initial numbness sets in) it DOES help loosen the cyst area so that the drainage is a little better. I was laid out on the bed for the entire day I had it done and extra day, just because everytime I moved it was additional unneeded pain.

It DID help with my pain, and I had only 4 cysts as compared to my 12+ cysts I would usually have. So yes, it is worth it to try. Painful as shit proceedure, but in the long run a lot better then before.

I'm not sure really sure what else I sure add on to this. I'm going in tomorrow for same exact thing to be done, and I want to make sure if it will have the same desired effect again.

PS. Doctor is thinking of having another marsupialization done on the opposite side, even though I do NOT get cysts as much over there. It might help overall though., or be something quirky where it effects the other side. We're not sure if it will help or not.

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