Friday, February 21, 2014

Milwaukee Mom Scolding Daughter

Kids are going to do things like this. They are constantly trying to bend or go around the rules, even from the age of 2. The best taught children will break a rule once in a while, even knowing the consequences. It's part of the "power struggle" of being a parent. That's why there are varying levels of punishments. First time: remove all toys/technology/ground them. Second time: w/e else but worse. Eventually, kids get the hint that they CANNOT break the rules...but that doesn't stop them from trying to (even long discussions usually don't work for more serious offenses.).
If you read the article, the girl KNEW not to do it in the first place and purposefully made a fake account to get around her mother or anyone else finding out. That is sneaky and full of premeditation. This girl knew what she was doing was wrong, and the mother had actually been a parent BEFOREHAND....then continued with her parenting system. I give her kudos to sticking to her guns about the rules (not necessarily how she parented, as that is not my place to judge her). If more parents stuck to their rules and dished out consequences, we wouldn't have as many entitled brats running around.
Before you wonder, I DO have 3 kids and I STICK my rules. MY kids won't be entitled little snots, and I am thanking god my practices have worked so far.
Also, one of my daughters was bullied by one of those entitled brats for two years. The school couldn't step in, even with their affirmative action/no bullying policies, due to the parents getting uppity. The school didn't even have ISS (In School Suspension), detention or a time-out anymore due to complaints from parents that it was "unfair". In the end, the school's hands were tied and so were mine. I couldn't exactly walk up to the kids' parents and yell at them, because it would be falling on deaf ears.
I eventually had to teach MY daughter that it is OKAY to fight back when he is trying to suffocate her in the snow (no kidding, him and three of his male friends kept trying to smother her in mounds of snow during recess, amongst other things). One SHOVE and it stopped the bullying.
I applaud this mother for taking steps to correct her bullying daughter's ways. Now, if only other parents didn't have their head in the sand and think THEIR perfect little Johnny would *never* do such a thing. I've actually seen parents get VIOLENT with teachers during parent teacher conferences when they are told that their little snowflake is a brat. Chairs get thrown, lots of yelling and name it, I've probably seen it. The worst part about bullying situations is that parents are raising their kids this way, and NOT curbing the behavior OR they are encouraging it with their actions.
Don't even get me started on my volunteering for a field trip and some little brat (out of control, physically and verbally abusing adults AND kids) tried to PAY me for talking to him...because he considered me the "help". Apparently, mommy and daddy told him to do this. How insulting and sad is that? If the parents actually spent time with him and parented him, he wouldn't behave like that (he was really well behaved when I spent time with ONLY him) and he would realize how insulting it was to try to pay me. I'm not the help and it's not MY job to parent your kid.

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