Sunday, March 9, 2014

Play Date From Hell

Play date from hell. Was a girl from P's (youngest daughter) kindergarten class. Only child. Spoiled rotten. I couldn't even drop her off at her house after she started acting like a brat, which was my backup plan if things went awry. Her mother was working 2 hours away, and then had a girls' night...refusing to answer her phone. So, I was stuck with her.

I have a strong suspicion that the mother KNOWS her child acts like this and dumped her on me willingly just to get a break. She ignores MOST of her child's behavior. The mother was obviously taking me for all I had and then some.

I offered to watch until 5pm (3 hours), but the mom begged until 8pm for a girls' night out as a "favor"...and then was still an hour late with no real reason. Apparently a family emergency with her mother's surgery going bad? My ass, the little girl was having a sleepover with her cousins at HER house when she left for one of the cousin's birthday, so if it was a family emergency...why are you having a sleepover at your place? Why are you not at the hospital? There was NO family emergency. The mother was just looking for more time.

You know, I really had a decent schedule and activities all set up for well over the 8 hours or whatever I had the kid for. We have TONS of stuff to do in this house that should keep her entertained. However, the kid didn't want to do ANYTHING anyone else suggested, because someone else had suggested it. She ONLY wanted to do what SHE wanted to do. Even when I forced her to play Hi Ho Cherry-O, she had attitude the whole time. Geez, it was only a 10 minute game...stop being a brat!

To add on, she asked her friend to grab her daughter for her, but the friend decided to sit down at a restaurant before coming to actually get her...then never showed up. Wow, entitlement much? I have shit to do, other then wait on you to feed your fat face. I was not told about this friend coming to get her until AFTER the mom was an hour late. She saw nothing wrong with the friend's behavior.

I am surprised and baffled at how the mother begged for more time AND left her child with me an hour late, after never having met me before. What kind of mother does that? I chalked it up to weird at the time, but now it stinks of absentee parent who wants to abuse another parent (Thanks for shoving your kid on me longer TWICE). She didn't even fucking thank me, even after she was fucking late. Talk about rude! Must be where her little shit learned it from.

- Apparently, my car is dirty (I cleaned it before she even got in, just didn't vacuum). I was actually mass cleaning the hour before we got into the house/car, because that's when I was informed it was really happening. Yes, I had an hour's notice and while my car wasn't spotless (house was)....that is a very rude thing to say the minute you get into someone's car. Sorry, your mommy only has one kid and she doesn't even spend time with you (She is a single parent, and her sister takes care of the brat during the day. The dad takes care of her every other week.). She has all the damn time in the world to make sure her car is spotless, what with the insta-babysitting and MANY people obviously helping her (Hey, I did right?). My car was not up to the 5 yr old's tastes.

Also, my carpets are supposedly dirty too. K informed the little shit that I clean the carpets once a week. The little shit decided that the carpets were dirty because we have a dog, that is the only reason. Well, no they aren't. I cleaned them yesterday. So, try again. They may have stains on them, as MOST carpets do when you have kids and animals...but they are FAR from dirty. My house was SPOTLESS, and she was LOOKING for something to insult. Little shit never took off her shoes either, which is done to keep my carpets mostly clean. She kept traipsing in mud and all kinds of stuff from outside. Great, more work.

Apparently, her aunt has a house bigger then mine too...because ours is supposedly very narrow. Huh? Kid, you didn't even go into HALF my house. You stuck to three rooms. ANYONE'S house would look bigger, but it's not. I've seen it. Your aunt lives in a double wide with 2 bedrooms. Fuck your comments.

I believe her insults were a way of "one upping" the girls, because SHE lives in a SMALL apartment (sleeps on the couch and has only one toy). She must feel she has to point out what she has better then someone else, due to the fact that she is seriously lacking in her own life. Talk about childhood jealousy.

- Didn't want to play outside on a nice, warm, sunny day. Faked needing her jacket and not needing her jacket. Kept coming in and out to retrieve/put back in the jacket. While inside, she kept harassing me that she just wanted to play with P's laptop or in P's room (/wah). Tried the fake bathroom break runs every 2 minutes, until I said just to stay outside and I'll tell them when to come in.

So when none of the above worked, decided to invent some concoction that K (oldest daughter in 2nd grade) injured her while on a swing (K was shocked as she was in the tree house at the time and nowhere near the swing). This would later turn into she hurt herself on the swing, and K shouldn't be in trouble. Somehow the swing hit her in her chest, while she was sitting on it. I call bullshit, as I was watching them like a hawk from inside and was onto her little manipulation game. There was not even a red mark, but sure as hell lots of tears (it was on her chest supposedly, a good place she thought I wouldn't check...but I did). She didn't get hurt, but was sure able to put up an amazing act. They lasted 15 minutes outside before bratlet got her wish and was able to play with P's laptop - inside. The girls are usually outside an hour or two normally.

So, I learned really quick that she is good at manipulation to get her way. Faking bathroom breaks just to pester me to come inside >> faking needing her jacket and not needing her jacket >> tears to invented owie in a spot no one would check...very smart.

- Told them I was going to make them lunch, as it would be a long time before dinner. She demanded bacon, scrambled eggs, and pancakes. Apparently, she ONLY eats on Saturdays. This later turns out to be: Mommy only COOKS on Saturdays, and they order out every night of the week.

She didn't want the lunch I made her, so she STOLE mine. No kidding, and it was the same exact meal. She decided to complain that her sandwich (turkey, cheese, mustard, bread) was disgusting. She also said she hated the cheddar chips I gave were nasty too, and wouldn't eat them. Thus, creating a mutiny on my hands. I made the girls eat theirs. Later, she asks me for a take home bag of these same chips. Guess they weren't nasty, huh?

When I said we were doing pizza for dinner, instead of being grateful, the spoiled rude brat demanded no pepperoni (which we never get anyways, and didn't even mention what kind..?). "As long as it doesn't have pepperoni, then I'll eat it!" Thanks for telling me what to order, and now that I have your unwanted input - I'll just order what we normally do. We ordered cheese with pepperoni, just because I was furious at the kid by then. She ate half the pizza pie (4 slices) with no complaint about the pepperoni.

Normally, in my house, we don't order out often. So, pizza is a rare treat for the girls. They were super excited. This little shit acted like it was expected of us to provide such a meal for her. Her mother apparently orders out 6 days of the week, and only cooks on Saturdays. Hence, the little shit was entitled and USED to eating out.

She demanded to eat in the living room or "I won't eat anything at all, if I'm not in the living room watching TV!" No kidding. I let them eat in the living room, and guess who leaves a mess of food on the floor? Little shit does, of course!

- Can't watch TV or a movie with her, because she has to CLAIM every character in the entire show/movie. No, the girls can't be (or be like) anyone because she already is! What? She didn't say it first? Too bad, she's still that person!

This, of course, causes a lot of hurt feelings and I have to ban the TV again. She is also not a fan of Spongebob (even though she kept turning around the watch it), Winx (even though her ONLY toy is a Winx doll), Frozen, Nightmare Before Christmas, Kirby, etc etc. We went through about 15 shows and movies before I finally said fuck it and left it on Spongebob.

- Breaking toys because we can't steal them/take them home with her for keeps (barbies, dress-up crowns, and a lamp). So, after being told no several times...her reaction was violence either against P or the toy itself so no one could have it.

- Got the baby sick with a cough, yes...sent to my house sick. You all know my pet peeve about kids being sick at school. Sending a kid to my house sick is just fucked up. If you knew your kid was coughing before she was sent to school, which this mother did as the little girl sounded terrible, then they definitely shouldn't be going on a play date!!!

- Purposefully sneaking into MY bedroom just to wake the baby up, even when the door was locked. She figured out how to unlock the door. Hubby was sleeping and caught her doing this about 6 times. So, who knows how many times it actually happened. She kept sneaking upstairs to wake the baby up. Some weird obsession with upstairs was noted by me, but I had no idea what the hell she wanted or was doing. I naively assumed bathroom.

The mother also had a weird obsession with the baby, too. The first thing she said to me wasn't "hello" upon entering my was "where is the baby?". He's sleeping dumbshit.

- Shoving, choking and pushing P. P has a bruise on her cheek because the little shit pushed her off the bed into a table. They all knew not to jump on the bed, and the little girl manipulated them into doing it anyways. K did NOT join in and was telling them to stop, when the little shit shoved P off the bed - thus making her land on the sharp corner on her bedside table. I assume she shoved P because she was told no by K. I would not be surprised that that is exactly why she did it. When confronted, she immediately said it was an accident. This was NOT an accident. Both of my kids said she looked right at P, after K told them to stop, and shoved P as hard as she could.

When I tried to inform her mother about the bedroom incident with P flying into a table, it was laughed off with a "We only bounce on beds in hotel rooms, because they just NEED to be bounced on"...uh bitch, my kid was injured very close to her eye. You are LUCKY she didn't lose an eye, and THAT is your response??

She also has bruises on her neck from the girl trying to choke her, and from when she was trying to steal her necklace. Once again the girl was told NO, and didn't like the decided to pin P down and TAKE it from her by force. She also broke the necklace during this action, and I had to fix it later.

Bruises on P's knees from being shoved into a basket. P wanted to play with K and the little girl. Apparently, because P wanted to play with her FRIEND from school, she was punished by being shoved into walls and laundry baskets.

Bruises on her feet because the little shit slammed a really heavy toy on her, when P and K said she couldn't keep it. She purposefully dropped this toy on P's foot TWICE, when she was told 1) not at the dinner table and 2) you can't keep it. (This was said by the girls, not I had no idea it was happening.)

- She kicked puppy about 5 times, and the cats randomly. She thought the animals were "annoying". I told her to stop, but kept seeing her randomly kick puppy in the face if puppy came within kicking range of her leg. She was supposedly "terrified" of puppy, yet her mother said she isn't scared of animals at all. After her mother and cousin showed up to grab her, she was bragging about how we had 3 cats and a puppy. So, suddenly not annoyed or scared of the animals anymore? I locked up puppy for 2 hours after I heard puppy squeal.

- Cursing up a storm in the playroom, and continued even after told MY kids to stop. She kept egging on the girls to keep using curse words, when I specifically told the girls not to even use the word "stupid" near the kid. When the egging on didn't work, she started...and then the girls joined in.

Note: I don't mind my kids cursing but not around other people, not malicious, and not at school. I am a strong believer in ALL words can hurt, not just curse words. It also teaches them personal responsibility and in my mind, a person that knows when to curse and when not to - is to be respected. It takes a lot of mental training and social awareness to know when not to and to control your mouth. I also feel that someone who says "oh poopy" instead of "shit", just looks like a 5 yr old and an idiot. For some reason the word "hell" is also considered a curse word around here, as they are all super religious. Tomorrow, the word Purple will be a curse word and who is to decide what is/not a curse anyways?

- Went through all the toys in the playroom in less then 10 minutes. She pulled out every toy to play with for about a minute, and then just left the room a disaster. When told to clean - she made MY kids clean it all up. I could actually hear her yelling at the girls to clean up the mess, and I had to correct the little shit about that. If you help make the mess, you help clean it up. She still didn't help clean, which made K mad and I didn't find out about until later.

She apparently only has one toy. I believe she was pulling out all of the toys just to see what all the girls had, and wanted to play with everything before she left. Hence, massive disaster. I don't mind a disaster, as long as it is cleaned up when you are done.

- Purposefully leaving the girls (mostly P) out of playing. The most common line used was: "We are playing kids, you get to watch me play." Uh, what? This is their house, and their toys. Play together! They also played dress-up. I specifically said no to, because 1) the crowns are easy to break, and the little shit did break them and 2) because there wasn't enough of it for 3 people. She did it anyways and had it all pulled out. I had to capitulate on this as it had all been pulled out and they were already playing with it. She also tried to steal a ring and bracelet, which was denied by K.

- Ignoring rules and doing things anyways. I now have a lovely drawing on the wall in the girls' cottage that won't come off. I told the kids NOT to use wet sidewalk chalk on the tree house or cottage, as it is very difficult to come off. She decided to ignore me AND K (who repeatedly told her to stop). I had to put away the sidewalk chalk after that.

This is also how P was injured on the bed. Go to change the baby's diaper and come back to injured P, because she convinced the girls to jump on the bed...when specifically told not to.

Also, kept her shoes on inside my house the whole time...then complained about how dirty my carpet was.

- Pretending not to know how to play games (such as "Hi Ho Cherry-O"), just to get out of doing something she didn't really want to do at the time. Two minutes into the game, I knew she knew how to play the damn game. So, let's add lying onto that list. She's a liar and will lie to get her way.

- The final kicker was the mother an hour late picking her up (even after I watched the little snot til 8pm, she was still an hour late with no word). This was also the very FIRST time I was watching to have the kid for 7 hours in the very first time, was just too much.

- When the mother showed up, they were playing legos. The little girl purposefully LOST her shoes. It took me an additional 10 minutes to find that she had hidden her shoes in my hallway closet (with towels that she didn't even use...). She had apparently "helped" to look for the shoes by relocating them into the hallway closet. They WERE by the front door, as I put them there, but she wanted a sleepover...and was going to get her way! When she found out that she was having a sleepover with her cousin, she helped me find the shoes really quick. I find it odd that she never took off her shoes until RIGHT before she had to leave, then instantly knows where they are.

She also tried to push a sleepover, but I told her that the baby had a doctor's appointment the next day and we can't have one (he didn't). This did not deter the brat from interrogating me as to WHY the baby HAD to have a doctor's appointment. She was looking to poke holes and FORCE a sleepover on me. Seriously, she was like a grown up feminist trying to convince me to do something I didn't want to do. Guess what, I don't want you here...and unless you stop pestering me about it, I'm going to tell you straight to your face EXACTLY what I think about you.

- Also, when the mother FINALLY showed up, she didn't even say hello or anything. She completely ignored her mother as rudely as possible. Her mother finally said: "Are you going to at least acknowledge me?", to which she only responded "Hey, I'm playing, leave me alone". If my kid did that, I'd have a fit. Talk about insubordination, rudeness, and needing a spank! So disrespectful.

This child has been raised to KNOW how to get what she wants when she is denied. Cue the manipulation tears, blatant ignoring of the very simple rules even after being told no several times, the fake bathroom breaks just to annoy me with MORE questions about WHY, lying, etc. She tried to manipulate me, and when she realized it wasn't going to work - she did it anyways.

This little girl will NEVER come over to my house again, and I have banned all playdates in the future, for now. The girls are to avoid this little girl at school. They are not to tell her that we all think she was a brat (the girls completely said this all on their own).

So, newsflash parents: Spank your kids, punish them. Don't let them act like this. If they do, don't be surprised when people don't invite them back and even BAN their kids from them DURING school.

PS. Due to this child's bad influence, P decided she was going to spend today acting like a complete Charlie-incarnate. I'm not kidding, she was even trying to mimic the way Charlie was speaking. This is even AFTER I explained to the girls that the little shit was a brat and will NEVER come over again.

Somehow P managed to get jello all over my house. She took pieces of jello and drew squares on my carpet with it. P does NOT usually act like this, and it was obvious she was doing it because she saw Charlie doing similiar things (after being told no and still doing it anyways) without getting into trouble. P had to scrub the carpets, counters, walls, kitchen flooring, and her sink. She is currently on chore duty for the next month.

NEVER let a child like this over to your house, and if you do, not for an extended period of time. It DOES affect your children. I have never seen my girls blatantly ignore my direction and then cause destruction like this before. Do NOT let these poisoned little devil shits into your house.

Update 3/9/14

No word from the mother since it happened, still haven't been thanked.  The cold we got has only infected the baby and I.  That explains the coughing and why I have the reddest, sore throat known to man in less then a day.

P's teacher asked how she got the bruise on her face.  Obviously, I prepared P for this question.  She said Charlie did it and the teacher said "Oooo"...kind of like she knew that answer was coming.  I shouldn't be surprised, as P looks like she's been punched in the face.

I sent a note to school with P the next day, and her teacher said she kind of figured that Charlie had done it.  My MIL (who took care of the kids for two months while I was unable to walk during my last two month of pregnancy) said SHE wasn't surprised Charlie had done all of these things the kid is a complete brat.

Charlie has now resorted to pushing and shoving P at school.  She has decided that since she got away with it at my home, that she can get away with it at school.  P tried to tell a teacher and Charlie tried to lie about it.  No punishments at school for her abusive behavior yet.

Update 3/13/14

Due to the meningitis, I am still very immuno-compromised and thus have created a whole new slew of health issues! Yay me. The girls did NOT get infected, but the baby did. That is why he has a cough, sneezes, and has been puking up clear liquid (even though when you drink formula and puke it's obviously NOT all clear and is really gross). So, the baby and I were infected due to both of us being immuno-compromised (him being a baby and me still recovering).

My neck is swollen on one side - it's like breathing thru a straw, I have a sinus infection, sore throat, massive nasal congestion, dizziness, low bp, random bruising (due to the low bp), exhaustion, head and back pain from the meningitis flaring up, and might turn into two ear infections if I'm not lucky.

So, I'd like to take this time to thank Charlie and her shitty mother Tina Wright. You both suck, and IF I had health care bills - I'd be billing you. But, you're lucky I have Tricare. My doctor is also not amused by either of you.

PS. I asked about the incubation period of this type of virus, and it's 1-5 days...being as soon as even a few hours. So, my doctor was NOT surprised that I was full blown sick by the very next afternoon...she was only surprised it took THAT long for me to show any signs. She thinks the little brat infected the baby first, then he infected me.

Update 4/15/14
The cold we were infected with was CROUP!  This is deadly in babies.  It took him well over three months to breathe correctly again.  He was hospitalized once because of his breathing issues.  He would actually stop breathing and couldn't catch his breath.  He coughed even in his sleep.  He couldn't sleep for longer then 10 minutes at a time before waking himself up.

We gave him a bunch of antibiotics and medications.  He is doing better now.  He was REALLY sick.  My pediatrician would later tell me (after diagnosis) that this has been going around lately, and she was not surprised he had it.

I was prescribed an inhaler and took about 3 weeks to recover.  I also gained another sinus infection.  That took another week or two to clear up.

We wound up living in my bedroom for about a month or two, getting over this.  We didn't want to infect everyone else.  We also took a lot of steam baths together.  He was a happy camper in the bath because it cleared up his lungs a little bit.  I even got him to sleep a few times in the tub with me.  But, sadly, I can't hold the baby longer then 2 hours in a tub before having to get out myself.

So symptoms that were in the baby are as follors: laryngitis, horrible cough, coughing up liquid, stuffy nose, problems breathing, fatigue, drooling, and unable to sleep.


Anonymous said...

Has your bartholin cyst stopped coming back?


I go in tomorrow to have my checked,might have to get a word cathether...

Alysrian said...

Due to just giving birth, I had to stop my treatment with the nerve ending killer treatment until this past month. There is a post on the treatment here:

Unfortunately, I have not stopped getting the cysts...but with the treatments I have been getting they go away within a day or two of showing up. They drain on their own, or if they don't drain they just slowly fade away.

Anonymous said...

Ok,I just read about the kid from hell... nix my previous idea about you doing childcare at home...

Back to the barth.... so the nerve ending treatments did help. Im so happy for you.


Alysrian said...

Yeah, there is no way I'd do childcare from my home...especially around here. This little girl is a dime a dozen here. Almost ALL the kids act like this.