Sunday, October 19, 2014

Wait...We're Pregnant?! Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction, Bartholian Cysts, etc.

We are apparently expecting baby #4 on April 15th, 2015.  Apparently the medicine I was taking to handle my meningitis after-effects messed with my birth control, and now we are pregnant.  Fantastic thing to learn AFTER I am pregnant.  Sigh.

The worst comes into play now...  I am only 14 weeks, 4 days pregnant.  However, my symphysis pubis dysfunction has returned already!  My hip is officially dislocated (you read that right) by 1/2 an inch.  Last pregnancy, it wound up dislocated by a total of 4 inches by the time I gave birth.

Hip is dislocated again, officially/medically. I was hoping to make it past Halloween night, not so...says the doctor. She even laughed at my hopefulness and gave it to me straight (that woman knows me so well...). She told me to expect my hip to go MUCH sooner this time and be MORE painful...and it did/is. Hate it when she's right!

I'm hoping to "fake it" as much as possible before/on Halloween night, so it doesn't impede on the kids'. Also, hydrocodone does NOTHING anymore. The doctor said I might have to take oral morphine (wha...?!). It hurts. Bad. I thought last time was bad...but this is like a billion times worse and TOO soon (in my mind). I totally wanted to be in denial land a little longer.

I was put on bedrest a while ago, obviously...I didn't follow that. I am now reaping my rewards - and cursing my luck along the way. My own fault, but it was going to happen sooner or later anyway....I just managed to be a stubborn ass and make it sooner. I also wasn't supposed to bend over or pick anything up (including little man), but ignored that too.

On a brighter note: I only fell down the stairs ONCE so far. I quickly covered that up with a "Oops, I'm fine. Just tripped over the dog" for the onlookers. Score one for me!

Not looking forward to the "Wow! You're pregnant and in a wheelchair?! How do you even expect to take care of your kids! So irresponsible!" or some such nonsense from strangers. Yes, they really do say shit like that.

As per baby #4: heart beat is there, but a little iffy to hear most of the time. He (we think it's another boy) tends to stick to the right side and hide. Not surprising, since my bad hip is the left and I'm sure he avoids that spot like the plague.

Here is some information on it, and the last link is a really funny rendition of another woman with it (I laughed at all of her symptoms she listed, because really...that is exactly what it's like):

Still deciding on the temp. handicapped parking pass or not.  I didn't get one last time, and that caused an immense amount of pain for me (and embarrassment while in my wheelchair).  This time, I don't want to spend 45 minutes walking (with help) across a parking lot JUST to get into my doctor's office.  I see people all the time using handicapped placards why can't I get one legally and just use it?  Sigh...I'd still feel guilty about it, even if I did use one.  So, I am still deciding on it.

The physical therapist has been seen, and she said (once again) there is nothing she can do for me - aside to remind me of the stretches (which do nothing and hurt me for days after just doing ONE DAY of it). So, on my own again. Yay.  I WILL do the stretches/exercises without her, at home, but I don't need to go to any actual appointments with they are the same as last time.

I tried the little pregnancy belt thing last time that they gave me...and it didn't help.  I will try it again this time, but I really don't think it will help much.  It's more of a "suffer and get through it!".  Only...5 more months to go?
Also: Intermountain Healthcare Hospital (where my OBGYN and delivery room is) recently passed an edict that they ONLY test for eclampsia via blood pressure at the beginning of your appointment. So, I am seeing an entirely separate doctor to make sure there is no protein in the urine (and for any OTHER signs). This was passed around April 2014 of this year. It is concrete and no amount of begging/worrying will change their minds.

They don't even take urine samples anymore and the hospital/OBGYN saw it as an unneeded expense (even if you have had eclampsia in the past like I did, they still won't do it).  It is not only a hospital procedure but also a part of Obama-care.  Fuck you, Obama.  Fuck you.

For those you nerds out there that have never heard of effects 1 in 4 women and VERY often misdiagnosed as JUST pelvic girdle pain (much, much milder form and basically a "catch all" for any type of pelvic OB/ER uses that term to basically say: "oh that's pregnancy for you, lawlz"). Only 7% of women have long lasting effects AFTER labor. I am not one of those 7% (technically), even though I had hip issues (minor really) after little man was born...I didn't require surgery - so I don't think I should count. This is actually a serious issue, and NEEDS to be addressed more. There really isn't TONS of information out there, and it's very commonly undiagnosed/misdiagnosed.

Editted to add:  Last time I DID get an epidural when suffering from SPD.  I did NOT use a ribbon to tie around my knees beforehand.  That was a massive mistake.  Even with an AWESOME epidural, and not being able to feel contractions...I COULD feel the hip pain while I gave birth.  It was so intense the epidural didn't stop all of the pain.  Afterwards, it DID knock back into place a few hours later (and was super loud)....  Also, I gave birth on my back and the nurse/doctor DID push my knees up really far (and at one point had them in stirrups).  I'm sure that is part of the reason why I continued to have SOME hip issues after my last monkey was born.

I also did NOT get eclampsia because I was over/under weight, over 40, had had it before, or any of the other reasons they came up with.  In fact, I wasn't even diagnosed with my meningitis and eclampsia until 3 days post partum.  I spent about a month in the hospital with it and it was pure hell (kidlets couldn't visit due to flu and my own ban due to the infectiousness of meningitis).

I am actually not really looking forward to this pregnancy.  I am dreading it, actually.  I will love this little monster all the same (husband was getting a vasectomy in Dec!!!!), but I am in for ANOTHER terrible ride.

Update on the Bartholian Cysts:  Since having little man, I have NOT had another MAJOR issue with my cysts.  Maybe it was luck of the draw?  Maybe it was the fact that I wasn't stitched AFTER the birth.  I only had a very minor tear this past time (which actually got a little worse later, but nothing major) as he was out in 3 pushes....and they didn't even bother to stitch me.  I have had SMALL cysts come back, but nothing like before.  I am no longer getting the injections as I am currently pregnant again, and I felt I didn't need them anymore.  Sex can still be painful sometimes, with dryness, but also nothing major.  I DO have pain medication (for my SPD and meningitis effects), and those seem to work just fine on any smaller cysts I have gotten.  They do NOT drain on their own anymore, but tend to disappear over time.  This is probably do to the additional hot baths I have to take for the SPD.


Anonymous said...

I don't know you, but I follow your bartholin posts like air. really glad they stopped recurring for you :)

Alysrian said...

I'm really happy with that development, too. After about 18+ years of dealing with them, I was really happy to notice the change. The injections were helpful, but I really hated going to that extreme. I also didn't want to do anymore surgeries or drainings. So, it all worked out, eventually.

Anne said...

I am so sorry for you - SPD Pelvic girdle pain is so very painful. I do hope you'll find some good treatment though. I have shared your blog about SPD to my Facebook site Bekkenløsning Pelvic girdle pain
because I know that many women suffering from this condition are so interested in reading about how women cope with it. I wish you the best of luck! Anne in Norway