Tuesday, December 9, 2014

School Lunch Debacle

Two weeks ago, I received a phone call about my daughter supposedly owing money for breakfast.  I listened to the message three times, and actually realized that it was NOT my child they were calling about.  We just happen to have the same last name as the BOY involved.  I showed up at the school, paid the $4.95, and straightened it all out.  It turns out she was actually ABSENT on the day of the charge.  My daughter also eats breakfast at HOME.  My other daughter has a POSITIVE account balance (odd I know, as I haven't paid anything into it).  So, while my oldest has a positive balance...my youngest had a negative FOR NO REASON.

After speaking to the other secretary, apparently the accounts were not longer being linked together.  For some reason MY phone number and information was listed as this kids' contact information.  We were to receive no more future calls about this and it was supposedly handled.

However, today, I just received yet another call about how she owes another $4.95 (SAME EXACT AMOUNT) from October (SAME EXACT DAY) for an entire lunch and is past due.  Not only does the woman in the message call her P Teegan (NOT her name), but she claims that it still needs to be addressed.  1)  My daughter's name is NOT Teegan, 2)  She brings her lunch EVERY DAY with her to school, 3) It was handled and I thought taken care of, 4) They aren't the same SEX or in even the same GRADE at this school, 5)  It is a smallish school, and they KNOW who my kids are.

I am LIVID.  I thought I handled this.  I even paid the balance before, due mainly to trying to keep the peace or it being a simple error.  We were finished.  I am going to now have to speak to the principal about this matter, as it has obviously NOT been resolved.  I am NOT paying for this kids' lunch this time, I already paid for his breakfast.  His PARENTS need to fix their shit and I need to stop being harassed for a kid that isn't even mine.

Spoke to the secretary that Monday.  It was supposedly cleared up again.  My daughter received a note home that Tuesday from her teacher about her supposed outstanding balance. I threw it out.

On Friday, my daughter forgot her lunch at home - on purpose.  I was in the middle of driving it back to the school (8:15am), when I received a phone call that my daughter ONLY brought a lollipop with her to lunch.  She wasn't even EATING lunch that early, but they were calling me to basically go: "Oh, so you lied".

I informed the secretary that I didn't live that far away, and to refuse her a lunch meal.  I would drop off her lunch from now on if she forgets it.  I made my daughter apologize, too, as she left the lunch at home on purpose.

So, now, I look like a liar.  God damn it.

But, supposedly, the kid's account is no longer linked to mine.  Good.

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