Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Lottery (TV Show) Review and Feminism

I was really excited to see the new tv series called The Lottery.  Little did I realize that it would be laced with feminist bullshit throughout the entire show.  I am sadly disappointed in the pilot episode.  I assume the next few episodes will NOT be tainted by feminism, but one can only hope.

For those of you that do not know me, I am very anti-modern day feminism.  It's a joke.  It's not about equality.  It's about women whining for shit they didn't earn themselves.  The earlier feminists actually had some good points.  Yes, women should be allowed to work in certain fields - if they had the qualifications - and get paid the same as men for doing the same exact job.  Women shouldn't be forced to be house moms for kicks.  The original feminists actually were very similar in their logic as I am.

If a woman was going for a construction job and didn't have the qualifications, I feel that in no way should she be hired.  Why should you be hired to do a job when you aren't the best person for it?  Modern day feminists disagree with me.  They feel that a woman should get the job always.

While on the opposite spectrum, if a woman is qualified and does her job as good as or better then her male counterparts...then she should be paid the same exact wage as them.  However, a woman should not be rewarded simply because she is a woman.  She should be rewarded for her own actions and experience.  She shouldn't be given free hand outs.

Don't get me started on their ideas of rape.  Did you know modern day feminists feel that men can't be raped?  I disagree.  My husband was molested when he was 6 years old, and the babysitter got away with it.  Rape is no laughing matter.  It doesn't matter the color of your skin or your sex.

What about their stances on a healthy woman or media portrayal?  Well, those "this is a real woman" showing a picture of the fat girl next to an anorexic girl is ALL them.  I disagree with these pictures.  I disagree with the feminists that think skinny girls aren't real or don't exist healthily.  I exist.  I am skinny.  I am proud of it.  It is NOT difficult to maintain your weight.  If I have to hear one more person complain that they have a health condition or medication causing them to be fat, I will probably laugh in their face.  Yes, medications can cause you to have food cravings...but you don't give into that urge.  It is your choice to keep eating.  Most health conditions do NOT cause weight gain.  They cause a problem to LOSE the weight.  It can still be done, but damn those feminists are anti-having to work for any sort of gain.

Granted, feminists are all about no violence against women.  I am all for that.  However, I don't want any violence period.  Have you seen a woman hitting her husband in public?  I have.  Just because he is a man, doesn't mean that he can't be abused.  Men these days are raised not to hit girls back, I say differently.  If she is hitting you and won't stop...then you have my full permission to hit her once with a decent amount of force to get her off of you.  It's only fair.  However, if you don't want to hit her...don't do it.  But, whatever.  Women can actually be more abusive then men, but in a feminists' mind - NO woman can EVER be abusive...

There are even some feminists out there that believe if you are married and have a man (these are the extremists that would rather only use men as sperm banks), that you are less of a woman.  My husband and I have made a fanastic life together.  Granted, if something were to happen and we divorced, then that is on BOTH of us.  It's not up to some feminist to tell me if I should have a man or not.

Don't even get me started on some views they have on divorce.  Did you know our justice system is actually REALLY skewed to the woman during divorce?  During my first amicable divorce (we are still best friends), the judge (who was a well known feminist) told me that I should be trying to take him for everything he had and then some.  Because of her stance, which was openly declared, I decided to just mediate our divorce instead.  She even had the nerve to tell the entire court room that my husband should not be allowed near my children, just because he is a soldier.  How insane!  My ex is a FANTASTIC father, when he is around (we divorced because of his many tours).  How DARE she tell me to exclude him from their lives permanently just because of his job!  But, if you don't know what parental alienation should look it up.  Feminists helped to create this idea and it has permeated our courts now.

I also don't agree with the feminist view that women are naturally better at raising their children then men.  That is simply not true.  In every family, parents do a lot for their children.  Let's ignore the women that KILL their children for a while.  But, according to feminists if a child is being raised by their father, they should immediately be taken away and given to the mother even if she is a crackhead.  I disagree with this.  If the woman is a terrible parent, she shouldn't have the children.

How about trying to explain white boy guilt to a poor white boy?  That sure goes over well.  Not every man in our society, who is white, is treated suddenly better.  They are WAY off base on this.  In fact, having to deal with minorities AND feminists makes getting a job, going to college, and other things MUCH harder to do.  Why can't we all just leave it alone and let people's credentials speak for themselves?  The more we try to fix "equality", the worse it is getting.  Just leave it alone.

Also, there is a new thing going on in Canada for new college students.  Did you know the males are required to attend a rape seminar before even being admitted into college?  It's like a final "test".  If you don't show up for this seminar, and don't listen to it, then you don't get to attend college even if you have paid for it and been accepted into that college.

What do they discuss during these seminars?  Well, that is easy to answer.  The entire seminar is about how EVERY male in the WORLD IS a rapist.  There are a lot of things wrong with this statement.  Just because you are male, that doesn't make you a rapist.  To even be spouting such garbage to these college students is insanity.  Aside from the fear-mongering and trying to tell these young men that it's in their genes (just because they are male) to be rapists, but that is also completely unfounded.  Can you imagine if every single one of them WAS really rapists?  That is a LOT of rapists for just one college campus.

This seminar is a huge topic for debate lately.  I am unsure as to why feminists believe all males ARE or WILL BE rapists at some point, but I don't like this stance they have been taking either.  There is a twitter for feminists where they post about how men have treated them during the day.  Read some of it.  It's absolutely insane!  It's called #killallmen (wow...just wow...). (  Feminists probably won't click on that link, because it links to an MRA website...but it does have a lot of nasty quotes from females on that twitter on there.  Well, feminists nowadays are in love with the idea of killing all men.  Does that include my 6 month old son or wonderful husband? But you know, calling to kill all or most men is NOT sexist...right? LOL

The feminists out there believe in eye rape, and most any kind of rape.  If you dress like a slut, yes...someone is going to look and probably make a comment.  Have some respect for yourself and cover up.  You leave more mystery when your goods aren't shown for the entire world.

What about their #BanBossy campaign?  I'm against this as well.  Since when does calling someone bossy mean that they are a terrible, vile person?  It just means...they are bossy.  They aren't calling you a bitch (though I wouldn't mind if someone did), they are saying you like to tell people what to do.  The campaign itself is bossy, what with telling us what to do.  Just because some girls are terrified of being leaders, doesn't mean that we should ban a word.  As I have previously said, what is to stop people from hating the word "purple" next?  What the hell.  There is always going to be name calling and insults from everyone.  Learning to deal with it and keeping your head up, is a great way to learn how to deal with real life.  Banning a word won't change how these girls look at taking a leadership role.

As a matter of fact, while we are at it...let's ban the words "asshole", "dick", and "cunt"...  But, no, bossy is considered to be ONLY used to describe the feminists have jumped on ONLY that word.  Why?  Why are we putting so much effort into being offended by words?  Yes, they have the potential to hurt feelings...but you can hurt ANYONE'S feelings with ANYTHING nowdays.  This political correctness bullshit needs to stop.  If people don't want to hear your opinion of them, maybe they shouldn't ask or listen to it.

I'm so tired of having to watch what I say around other adults and children.  I should be able to say what I want, when I want to.  WITHOUT someone telling me that I am being "mean" or "shouldn't say that word".  Why not?  There are millions of other substitute words I could use, so why just ban the one?  Pointless.

I am not MRA (Men's Rights Activist), though I can see some of the points they make.  Ever had a healthy debate with a feminist?  I have.  They ignore facts and go straight for opinions like moths to a flame.  Don't try to debate with them or disagree with them.  You will get nowhere.  For example, the first comment to this post was that I am a terrible mother and should never have had kids.  This is funny.  Instead of debating or even stating WHY a person thinks I may be wrong (I can be wrong sometimes), I was instead insulted for my opinions.

Most females nowadays are spoiled little princesses that manipulate the fuck out of people.  Don't believe me?  Try dating one of them.  They are perpetually using tears to get what they want.  I have heard stories from my single male friends that would make any REAL woman cringe.  My own girls have seen these little terrors being raised to be exactly like their mothers.   This is a problem with America.  As a female, you are not entitled to anything and if you manipulate anyone into something - then that makes you scum.

I have seen little girls being molded into exact copies of their mothers, most of whom are feminists.  They cry, manipulate, lie, and cause all types of problems.  Don't believe me?  Go into ANY classroom (Pre-K to 12th) and look for the Queen Bee.  Each class has one.  They are usually asshole kids and most need a good spank.  We shouldn't be raising our daughters to act like this nor should we raise them to EXPECT things just because they are girls.  That is sexism.

But, what is feminism really doing for women of my generation?  Nothing personally for me.  They are only trying to stir up a stink about things they *perceive* is wrong. Not everything is misandry.  Not everything is a man trying to keep a woman down.  People need to realize that.

There are also feminists out there that believe if a man doesn't open or hold a door for them, that they are evil.  I disagree with this.  Open your own damn door and stop complaining.

Okay, so you basically get the jist of my views of feminists.  I'm not really a fan of modern day feminists or modern day females in general.

So, the main problem I had with the show was the father (Kyle) and his son (Elvis).  Feminism and female manipulation to an extreme.  You are introduced to a good father, who is single handedly taking care of one of the last 6 children to be born naturally.  He arrives at school to drop his son off, and naturally he lets his son ride shotgun.  They are running a little late, so both are rushing to get inside.

Instead, a bunch of "moms" decide to butt into the father's business.  They start offering him their help.  According to these "mothers", because Elvis doesn't have a mother of his own...they all should step up and ACT like a mother to Elvis.  Obviously, this would piss of any parent and it pisses off Kyle.

This comes back down to feminism and the school hierarchy.  There are TONS of instances like this happening everyday.  It is NOT up to these mothers to parent his child for him.  It is not their job or their business to be interfering with the way he parents.  It's not their business to be telling him or helping him raise his son.  He seems to be doing just fine without their interference.

Okay, so skip forwards to later in the day.  Kyle is off doing it with random strangers who are paying for his sperm since he is such a healthy donor.  I say good for him.  Hey, if people are that desperate for a child and the human race can't repopulate...might as well help it along for money.  He gets a call that his son is sick at school.

Naturally, as a good parent, he rushes to the school only to find out that it is a simple flu.  But, because the mothers were told off earlier about butting out...they decided to get butt hurt and do what ANY feminist who is told to butt out would do - they get revenge.  They call social services.  Say that he didn't have his son in a seat belt and was sitting in the front seat.

How dare he!!!!  How dare this father endanger his son that way!  Wait, what?  Why was this even reported?  Oh right.  They are feminist Nazi bitches.  He put them in their place, told them to stop physically touching his child (which they shouldn't be fucking doing in the first place), and they decided to jump on him as soon as his son got sick.

I really hate people like this.  This was all kinds of bad manipulation done by some women that were told to stop touching his kid, and god forbid that Kyle didn't need their help RAISING his son.  WAH for them!

How would they feel if he tried to parent THEIR kids?  They would be outraged too!  But, because he is a man, he is instantly slated as a devil father.

In the show, Elvis is sent to a hospital without his father (wow, really?!) and separated from him.  Because Kyle cannot jump through the hoops anymore and get his son out, he decides to steal his own son out of the hospital.  I can't say that I blame him and actually am rooting for him to keep his son.  I would do the same thing.  However, now Elvis and Kyle are considered fugitives and Elvis has been supposedly kidnapped by his own father.  The horror!

In the end, this was a bunch of uppity bitches that were angry that someone told them to butt the fuck out.

This reminds me of something that happened recently at my daughters' school.  A father was picking up his daughter from school, and he told her not to cross the street without him.  To hold his hand.  Seems simple right?  Well, some teacher's aid decided he said it a little nasty (he didn't).  He told the little girl to mind her own business and go back to doing her job - teaching.  She called the cops on him and said that she SAW him physically abusing his daughter.  He obviously didn't.

This is a small town, I saw almost 20 cop cars and motorcycles parked every way from Sunday outside of my daughters' school (I took pictures).  They even slapped cuffed on the father and removed the daughter from his care - without asking him for his side of the story first.  They took this teacher's aid words over the words and wellbeing of this man's daughter.  I am sure she is traumatized by what happened.  I could see his daughter crying hysterically, begging for her father.

In the end, the principal had to come out and diffuse the entire situation.  The father was released with no charged.  The teacher's aid was told to mind her own business.  The cops stayed around for a good two hours just to talk about what had happened.  I'm sure that father and his daughter won't forget this anytime soon.

My point is this:  everyone seems to want to butt into how people parent.  They see something they think is wrong or wrong in their head, and don't assess the situation before realizing that it was NOTHING.  I am not saying don't get involved if you see something like abuse in public, but I am saying that you have NO RIGHT to take out your revenge on children.  If you don't like that a PARENT told you to butt out, then fine.  But, it's really none of your business if they aren't doing anything wrong.  Don't be a vicious bitch.

Both situations were caused by manipulative, revengeful females.  Females need to realize that they are not the gatekeepers to all fathers.  There are fantastic fathers out there.  Women don't need to be judging them.  Women don't need to be attacking them for NO REASON.  If you don't like that he had the balls to tell you to shut the fuck up, then suck it up and move on.

This is the main reason I hate this show.  I will continue to watch it, but I really hope there is no more sly feminist shit anymore.  I'm tired of the bullshit that females cause in our society.  This is sad, because I am obviously female.

What's even worse is that I can see a feminism, narcissistic, controlling, manipulative bitch from 20 feet away.  Tears don't work on me.  Your little mind games don't work on me.  I'm raising my girls to be independent free thinkers.  You should be raising yours to be that way too.  Yes, your girls are always princesses...but they don't need to act like little bitches to get what they want.  They should be earning it.

This current female society makes me really worried for my baby boy.  He is white and male.  He will have all kinds of problems in the future, and I hope that I can be there to help him.

Edit:  The reason why I compared the two different scenarios (real life and TV) is because it shows exactly what happens in comparison.  Neither of the two fathers did anything wrong in regards to parenting their kids.  They were both being protective and not putting up with some female telling them what to do.  I mean, haven't we all dealt with people judging or commenting on our parenting skills in public?  Yes, we have...and it's no different for fathers.  I find it sad that just because they ARE male, they are treated like criminals.

Neither scenario was abuse.  Neither needed protective services or the cops involved.  Both involved females getting angry that someone told them to mind their business.  Both involved females looking for revenge.  Neither was appropriate to do.

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