Sunday, October 31, 2010

RHOA - Kim says Nigger???

I haven't ever seen the show and I've read all of the comments. I am amazed at how hypocritical some of the posters have been. I see people making comments about how it is okay for a black person to say it, but not a white person to. That is wrong. You all talk about racism and how wrong it is. Do you realize how racist some of you sound just because you say a white person can NOT say it, but a black person can? We live in America, we should ALL be able TO say it or ALL not able to say it.

I even read the argument between Cali and Perionne (sp?). Cali keeps referring to Kim as the "white woman". How would you feel if I kept referring to you as the "black woman"? I'm pretty sure you'd be offended. She has a name, and you have not used it once (from what I saw). This also makes you look racist, or rather uncaring.

As per the actual "offense"? She named a band (whom I've never even heard of until now) by their name, and now people are upset about it. I can understand that. But, what I understand even more is that I am from the NE of the US. African-Amerians (is this still the PC term?) call white people w1ggars all the time and we laugh it off. There have been racist terms for WHITE and HISPANIC people as long as there have been for African-Americans.

Yes, the word could be construed as a bad word. However, if you are offended by a WORD maybe you should be considering WHY it offends you so much. Slavery happened over 100 (?) years ago. Most of us were NOT directly affected by it and have EQUAL opportunities (if not more then other races) for employment, schooling, financial aid (etc). For the people bringing slavery into this - please don't. It's like talking about what exactly happens in Iraq, when you've never even been there.

I'd also like to make a comment about the racist folks who are saying white people are constantly holding up line with food stamps, etc. Please. Do your research before you actually post something as ignorant as that. Majority of folks on food stamps (which btw, it is NOT white people) are illegals - of ANY race. Look at the latest census for proof, turns out they have been getting illegal benefits for YEARS and taking it away from people that actually NEED it.

As per it being looked bad for being on WIC (I saw a few comments on this), we are a military family and make little to nothing for our service. We have been on WIC since I was pregnant with my first daughter (of 2). This does NOT mean we are trailer park trash, or worthless in society. In fact, we make less then min. wage - and I had to personally give up my job as an ADA for my husband's military career. It all comes down to this - just because you stand in line an extra 5 seconds, doesn't mean they are a waste of humanity. It means they are rough times, living off money less then YOU do. Have some compassion (esp. if you claim to be "Christian") and get over the wait. We are a military family, putting OUR lives and FAMILY on the line so you can keep spewing your junk. Keep that in mind.

She did nothing wrong. She named a band (?). Worse things are said everyday towards other people, and I don't see HALF of the response I do for that. What about the protests on the military grave sights? Not much support there as there is a sh1tstorm over THIS! Get a grip!

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