Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Kids Going To School Sick


I HATE this article.  These aren't reasons, these are excuses. I know if my child is sick from day 1. I know if they are contagious. I know if they are going to get other children sick. I keep them home if they are sick. I have seen parents send their kids to school vomiting and with diarrhea. I'm not expecting you to keep your child out if they have a common cold. I DO expect you to keep them out if they are a walking vial of the flu. My kids get puked on EVERY year, I've had it with the excuses. If I have to keep MINE out, you keep YOURS out. Disgusting, lazy, entitled parenting.

(*Note* If your child has a common cold, it's not near as bad as the flu.  If your kid is vomiting and has diarrhea, then keep your fucking sick little shit out of school.  Don't send it.  Get it a flu shot, get it well, THEN send it to school.)

My girls constantly come home with new random diseases/viruses/bacterias.  For three years running, we have had one of my kids puked on by other students.  You heard me correctly: some jackass parent sent their kid to school, and their kid puked on my kid.  This has happened every year for three years now.  We JUST got over the flu (it even spread to our dog, thanks!!!), and the day my kids went back to school...they got puked on again!!!!

I work 3 fulltime jobs, 7 months pregnant (supposed to be on bedrest), and my husband is AD Army (stationed in another state).  Therefore, I don't really care if you "need a paycheck", or your kid can't miss anymore days.  These are excuses for your LACK of parenting.

If your kid pukes on mine again, I'm going to cause the biggest stink with the school, social services, and anyone else that will listen.  You are neglectful and entitled!!  You are the WORST type of parent I have ever seen!!!

I need a paycheck, my kids need to go to school, my husband needs his paycheck.  I have a LIFE outside of my kids being sick.  When you make my ENTIRE household sick, WE can't call out of work either!  Your excuse that you only get so many sick days from work, is LAUGHABLE!  I don't care!  We all work too, and even if we didn't, stay at home parents WORK at home TOO!  You are entitled!!!

Your excuse that the school district only allows a certain amount of excused days is RETARDED!  At the very least, you get 5-8 excused days, and 10-15 nonexcused days!  That is a lot of days!  There are MORE then enough days they can be absent before you are reported for being traunt!  Yet another excuse!

What about not having childcare, you ask?  Well too bad.  You have emergency contacts, and usually family/friends who will help out.  I have no one but myself!  My husband is stationed in another state.  He can't just go AWOL for three days because I am sick in bed, due YOUR actions.  If you have no one to take care of your kids, find a babysitter or childcare!  It is NOT my responsibility to teach you how to handle your kids if they are sick!  Figure it the fuck out!

Or guess what...get your kid vaccinated or get them the flu shot!  You put so many people at risk with your negligence!  You have no idea what it is like having SPD (Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction), working 3 jobs, being basically a single parent, AND having my ENTIRE household from pets on up...infected with the FLU!  You should be ashamed of yourself!

PS.  Thanks Charlie's parents for being entitled jerks that send their kid to school with the flu. We just spent a week getting over it after you puked on Peyton. (Yes, even puppy got sick with the flu because of you)
Thanks again Charlie (and your parents) for ripping Peyton's necklace off her neck and sticking it in your mouth. You know, because she didn't JUST get over the other cold you gave her... Now I have to disinfect her necklace and watch for any more signs of a recurrence.

You have awesome parents that send you to school sick AND don't teach you about BOUNDARIES. One of these days, I will make a print of out listing obvious things for parents: 1) don't send your kids to school while contagious!!!!, and 2) you don't touch other kids' personal belongings that are ON THEM!

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