Saturday, November 20, 2010

TSA - Don't Touch My Junk

This is the original story that I read.

"I was approached by a man in slacks and a sport coat. He was accompanied by the officer that had escorted me to the ticketing area and Mr. Silva. He informed me that I could not leave the airport. He said that once I start the screening in the secure area, I could not leave until it was completed. Having left the area, he stated, I would be subject to a civil suit and a $10,000 fine. I asked him if he was also going to fine the 6 TSA agents and the local police officer who escorted me from the secure area. After all, I did exactly what I was told. He said that they didn't know the rules, and that he would deal with them later. They would not be subject to civil penalties. I then pointed to Mr. Silva and asked if he would be subject to any penalties. He is the agents' supervisor, and he directed them to escort me out. The man informed me that Mr. Silva was new and he would not be subject to penalties, either. He again asserted the necessity that I return to the screening area. When I asked why, he explained that I may have an incendiary device and whether or not that was true needed to be determined. I told him that I would submit to a walk through the metal detector, but that was it; I would not be groped. He told me that their procedures are on their website, and therefore, I was fully informed before I entered the airport; I had implicitly agreed to whatever screening they deemed appropriate. I told him that San Diego was not listed on the TSA's website as an airport using Advanced Imaging Technology, and I believed that I would only be subject to the metal detector. He replied that he was not a webmaster, and I asked then why he was referring me to the TSA's website if he didn't know anything about it. I again refused to re-enter the screening area.

The man asked me to stay put while he walked off to confer with the officer and Mr. Silva. They went about 20 feet away and began talking amongst themselves while I waited. I couldn't over hear anything, but I got the impression that the police officer was recounting his version of the events that had transpired in the screening area (my initial refusal to be patted down). After a few minutes, I asked loudly across the distance if I was free to leave. The man dismissively held up a finger and said, "hold on". I waited. After another minute or so, he returned and asked for my name. I asked why he needed it, and reminded him that the female supervisor/agent had already taken a report. He said that he was trying to be friendly and help me out. I asked to what end. He reminded me that I could be sued civilly and face a $10,000 fine and that my cooperation could help mitigate the penalties I was facing. I replied that he already had my information in the report that was taken and I asked if I was free to leave. I reminded him that he was now illegally detaining me and that I would not be subject to screening as a condition of leaving the airport. He told me that he was only trying to help (I should note that his demeanor never suggested that he was trying to help. I was clearly being interrogated.), and that no one was forcing me to stay. I asked if tried to leave if he would have the officer arrest me. He again said that no one was forcing me to stay. I looked him in the eye, and said, "then I'm leaving". He replied, "then we'll bring a civil suit against you", to which I said, "you bring that suit" and walked out of the airport."

Now, okay, my brother works for TSA. He works on computers at SEATAC. I know what he does, and I applaud him for it. It's a job, and there are requirements he needs to clear before he lets someone board a plane - if he were to work in security. Granted, no one wants their "junk" touched, but I've been groped before by places OTHER then the airport. It makes me wonder if this John guy would have such a scene if it happened at a bar. If the bouncer wanted to make sure you weren't carrying a weapon before entering, would you cause such a stink over it?

Anyways...he set off the alarm, and they needed to do a pat down? That's odd, because usually they just wand you and let you go. If you are setting off a metal detector, why do you have such an issue with them making sure you're not going to blow up a plane filled with 250 other people? I wouldn't care at all (do it to my kids, and I'll kill you!) if it was me. Get wanded, get onto the plane. Been wanded before, been patted down, don't care. I set it off because I left loose change in my pocket or was wearing a metal wired bra. My bad.

Point is: If you want to fly, and you set off the metal detectors - be responsible and either get wanded/patted down, or DON'T FUCKING FLY! Hell, I don't even like the hassle of airports with my I like to drive.

You're fucking 31 yrs old, grow a pair and get it over it! If you set off the alarm, be an adult and handle it accordingly. Don't act like these hard workers are just trying to feel your nuts up! With the way you look, no they don't want to touch you. Hell, you were kicked out of the airport simply because you didn't want to go through security. EVERYONE goes through security. WHY do you think you are better then everyone else?!

For fuck's sake, he called it a sexual assault simply because the government is behind it? WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? WOULD YOU BE FINE WITH SOMEONE TOUCHING YOUR JUNK IF IT WASN'T THE GOVERNMENT?

Don't get me wrong - I don't like the full body scanner either, but if it eliminates the "touching my junk", I would rather do that. However, these TSA guys don't want to touch his junk anymore then we want it to be touched. I think he was being paranoid. The TSA agents were really calm throughout the entire thing, and it seems like Tyner has some issues with the government and security protocol in general. What is this guy's problem? This isn't fucking illegal. We have been doing this for DECADES, and now YOU have a problem with it just because it's YOU? Come on now. Get real.

He also made comments about how he is white and 6'1, blah blah blah. He totally turned this into a race issue. Hello!!! NOT ALL TERRORISTS LOOK THE SAME! We have HOME GROWN terrorists in this country and they could look just like you buddy. Hell, I'm white and a chick, I get the "random screening" EVERY time I fly. Do I care or cause a stink and act like a child? No the fuck. It's their job, and if I want to fly - I'll do it.

If you didn't want 15 minutes of fame, then why did you turn on your cellphone BEFORE you even got searched? Before you were called out of line? If this was truly a random search, then why put up such a fuss? It's random! Good call TSA!

Seems to me that if this guy was TRULY standing up for his "rights", he wouldn't turned on his cellphone before there was even a problem. If he doesn't like going through security (which is required to fly), then do NOT fly. Simple. He KNEW he would have to go through security, but instead decided to show up and caused a stink anyways.

The REAL question shuoldn't be about whether or not he's standing up for his rights...but WHY HE seems to think he is above the law? Everyone else needs to go through security as well. So, WHY, does this punk think he suddenly shouldn't have to?  I find that absurd and laughable.

This isn't about "rights" like he is suddenly claiming. It's because HE didn't want to have to go through ANY security (which has been around forever). That's pathetic.

For that matter, would you be standing up for him if he looked muslim? What would you have said if he really DID have a bomb on him? What if he got through security after his little snit fit? 10$ you wouldda blamed TSA for their lack of attention to that one guy, even though they were just trying to do their job.

Hey, let's just let every single person who declines to get checked through security on planes, b/c Toroga is scared that the roads will be shut down next.

Forget that. Let EVERYONE through who complains about living in a facist or communist country. Including the drug dealer who wants to sit next to YOU on the plane. All because you THINK something will happen, or suddenly BELIEVE the government has gone too far (forget that there are OPTIONS when going through security). Just let EVERYONE through that complains. It's all good. We don't need security anyways. All because someone whined about being some special snowflake.

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