Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bridger Elementary is AMAZING!!!!!

If you check out my previous posts, you can see the many issues that we had with Woodruff Elementary.  Our issues involved my daughter being LOST for 2-3 hours, rampant bullying and victim blaming, poor teaching, inappropriate teaching topics discussed, teachers not teaching their students, verbal assault on myself/daughter, threats, cover-ups, and a slew of other issues.

My daughter has successfully managed to get through an ENTIRE school year at Bridger Elementary without any problems.  The only problem any of us had with this new school was that field trip where the teacher was absent.  When my daughter was being teased for her speech patterns, the teacher stopped it almost immediately.  The principal even made sure that I was okay with how things were progressing with her.  I am still very tempted to bake him cookies just for being understanding.  He made that call out of the kindness of his heart, not because he was trying to cover anything up.

My daughter was never lost once at the new school.  She did occassionally go to the front office when she couldn't see my car in the car line (this is something the old school taught her to do).  Principal Guyman for two months was secluding her in his office, by himself, after school FOR NO REASON.  I am still worried that he might of sexually abused her.  However, the new school took her "habits" in stride and even CALLED me when there issues!!!! WOW!  If she her lunch bag was missing (which actually happens a lot, because the carts get mixed up or kids take the wrong lunch bag home), the secretary would help us find it! WOW!

I received calls for her awards, updates on school fun stuff, and when she was sitting outside of the office instead of near our meeting spot.  It is FANTASTIC!  The old school did NOT do this, and you were lucky if you got a call when your daughter was punched in the face.

She was only bullied once, and it was stopped almost immediately.  She received such high grades, AND her teacher knew what she was doing!!  Even though her teacher missed a lot of the school year, you could tell her teacher was AMAZING at her job!!

My eldest was even given the "Leadership Award".  She certainly is a little trooper.  I cannot even begin to imagine what life would have been like if we had stayed at the previous school.  We got to take as many pictures as we wanted, and we were all very proud of her.

Also, someone made an offhand comment about my blog when I was re-enrolling my eldest and youngest.  One of the secretaries from one of the other schools has read it.  She even teased and said if I "didn't like something, I'll probably just blog about it".  Yup.  I'll blog about it.  It's best to have it all documented, then to ignore what was happening.  This is something I learned from my attorney.  Dates and occurrences are important to document.

Also, turns out Mrs. Shit was also telling my daughter about "sex".  I spent the entire last year trying to avoid the conversation, and then wound up giving really brief explanations.  Great teaching and parenting there, bitch!  I actually just finished having that awkward conversation with my daughter, about a week ago.  This was very awkward, and even hearing my daughter say the word "sex" was offputting. She even explained in detail how babies are made.  Nice....I KNOW I didn't teach her that!

I no longer let Keagan/Mrs. Weeks into our lives.  By the end of the school year at Woodruff Elementary, it was becoming very obvious that any parental friends I had were being "black balled" if they continued to be friends with me or my child.  Children were being banned from hanging out with my daughter on the playground, and parents were avoiding me like the plague.  I didn't care though.  If they were TRUE friends, they would understand WHY I was angry at that school.  Mrs. Weeks even made a comment that she no longer understood why I have issues with Woodruff, when they are SUDDENLY (in April, right before the end of school) were teaching her son. Heh.  Go figure.  I have since made NEW parental friends at the new school, and my daughter has made new friends.

My daughter does NOT have RAAD as bad anymore.  She still has very shy moments, because of the previous bullying.  It was originally really hard in the beginning of the year, what with the way the old school LOST her (if you don't know where someone/something is, it's lost).  She went through all of the sudden changes like a trooper, and to this day: when we pass her old school, she calls it hell.  Yup.  She calls it hell and tells me how much she hated it there.

We loved this school so much that we enrolled my eldest AND youngest to attend this school, starting next week.  (My youngest is starting kindergarten this year)  I am overall really, really happy with the way this school operates. Hell, I make cupcakes and give out goody bags for EVERY Holiday.  We go all out to help out, when not even asked.

Overall, this school is AWESOME.  They are organized, caring, experienced, and a fantastic school!!!

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