Thursday, August 22, 2013

Stroller Wars

I've heard all about the stroller wars at Disney World, and many other places.  This blog post is actually about the moms and dads out there that purposely hit people with strollers, just because the victim didn't move out of the way fast enough.  I see it as a horrible version of NASCAR.

Today, while dropping off my kidlets for the first day of school, I was almost plowed over by a stroller-wielding mama.  I had just dropped them off and was walking along the very edge of the sidewalk (I didn't want to be in anyone's way, god forbid).  Out of the corner of my eye, I see this woman pushing this GIGANTIC stroller straight into my direction.

So, there I am walking straight along the edge of the sidewalk in a straight line...and she is coming straight at me, from the left in a straight line (think L-shaped impact zone).  I speed up my pace, because we all know getting hit by a stroller hurts like a mother fucker.  She speeds up her pace (WTF).  I slow down, she slows down.  Yes, I kid you not...she copied my every move.  Not only that, but the place she was walking directly to, was into the street.  No ramp, I guess she was going to jump the curb with that thing and head into the grass?

Maybe she didn't like the color of my shorts, she was on a mission to run into me.  Mind you, there is no one else around at this time, and she EASILY had enough time to veer in a different direction.  I had nowhere to go at this point, as I'm already humping the edge of the sidewalk, AND WHY should I get in the street just because she's being a bitch? Yes, there were lots of cars back and forth, and no I didn't want to get hit by a car....which would hurt even MORE.  (It turns out later, she wasn't even going in my direction...once this happened, she went the complete opposite way of where I was going)

It was a matter of 2 minutes, before she attempted to collide into my side.  I know she saw me, there was no one else on the sidewalk.  I know strollers can be hard to maneuver, especially the bigger ones, but she had more then enough pre-warning to slightly MOVE from her course in order to avoid me.  I mean, just because you have a stroller doesn't mean you chase people down OR that you have the right of way.  You wait your turn, don't run into people, and when you APOLOGIZE.  Such a hard concept for some people.

Yes, she saw me.  Yes, she glared at me when I dared to stop the stroller from hitting me.  Really, it's called an umbrella stroller.  Your kid isn't even in it.  So, why bother to even take it out for the 15minutes it takes to drop off your kid at school?  It was almost like she was trying to establish that she was #1 on the sidewalk, and I better move my ass out of the way OR ELSE.

So, when it came down to it.  I put my hand out on her stroller and stopped her from plowing over my precious ankles.  I got glared at, and my natural response was to start laughing at her.  Really bitch?  You're gonna glare at me, because you felt you had right of way...with a gigantic stroller...and this ALL could have been avoided if you just went around me?

Mind you, I have two children and another on the way.  I WILL use a stroller if necessary.  However, I ALWAYS try to avoid getting in people's way and whenever I come within inches of them...I apologize.  If I hit them with the stroller, I feel terrible!

Yay for another entitled mom.  Just because you have kids, and require the use of a stroller, doesn't give you permission to be a dick.  Strollers aren't meant for ramming people with.  They are meant for carting your precious cargo around.  Be sensible.  If you run into someone, or possibly don't see them, don't glare at them...apologize!!!!  It's most likely your fault.  (Granted, I've had some people purposely try to outrun and cut me off when I have a stroller...I'm talking about actually HITTING someone on PURPOSE)


Shannon "Inertia" Sealey said...

Oh my goodness this is crazy!!! I would have kicked the stroller if it got within a foot of me and said better the stroller than my ankle, right? haha, or have some ketchup packets in your pocket on standby for next time you can say she nicked you.

Alysrian said...

This actually isn't that odd. It happens a LOT here. People with strollers act like they are battering rams, and you BETTER move. It's some weird power trip they have.

My personal opinion is that if there was a child in there, and you're running into people...aren't you concerned about the jolting it does to your kid? Shouldn't you just be more careful?

My husband says I attract all the crazies.