Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Newest Ebay Buyer Scam!

I've been selling on ebay for 3 years now.  Nothing serious, I'm just a casual poster.  I decided that since I'm pregnant to start selling again (boredom), after a 6 month hiatus.  I just didn't want to sell what I had originally sold, as I was being targetted by a LOT of scammers.  (I officially post WAY more things on, and while it doesn't sell so fast ... it's less fees and 150% better then ebay itself. I can also leave negative feedback on buyers, and the not selling as fast is a bonus for a casual poster like me.)

Most of the original scammers (3 in less then a month, and only selling a total of 10 auctions) claimed that item arrived broken and they immediately wanted a full refund.  According to my own common sense, and ebay's policy, I always responded with "If it is broken, please take a picture and send it to me over ebay OR mail it back to me (you pay for return shipping)". If they opened a case, ebay would say the same thing to I just reiterate what ebay would say, pretty much.

Of course, as soon as I said this, no one could verify that the items were actually broken.  I decided that since the items were fairly cheap to mail, etc, I would just refund the money even if they couldn't verify.  I didn't refund one person (she was a massive bitch and tried to tell me she'd leave bad feedback if I didn't immediately refund her...ebay also informed me not to refund her money as this was extortion) out of the three.  I did receive 2 negative feedbacks (one from bitch face), and one neutral.  Ebay never did remove those feedbacks, even if I was told they would.  "Buyers opinion" and all that jazz. (Part of the reason why I relocated.)  Plus side: I did get to respond to my negative feedbacks, and let people know that their claim of items being broken was never proven.

Whatever, I was done selling.  I had never received a negative feedback the 2 years prior to that, as I really am a good seller and wouldn't want to waste my money either.  I felt like an eye for an eye was appropriate, and if I spent money on something - it damn well better be working.  I took a break because of these three situations, 6 months.  (These three still exist on ebay, and one of which is listed on the badbuyerlist now - the bitch)

I posted about 50 items of a bunch of crap I had around my house, and sold about 15 of them in less then a week.  All the while, I was trying to come up with this new idea of mine.  I did a lot of research, crunching numbers, and googling.  I know, very businesslike of me.  So, while I'm coming up with this..I'm getting positive feedback left and right about my packaging and how they love their shit.  Yay me!  I'm also bringing checks to the bank.

Anyways, so this time I decided in my infinite wisdom to sell a dozen cookies.  Not only was I going to sell cookies, and test it out with a single auction post, but I was going to make the kind I am allergic to the ingredients (stupid of me, I know).  I made sure to list that I have a food handler's license, which I do, and that I would be making them the day of shipment with non-latex gloves (also allergic to latex - fuck my life!).  I even made sure to list what was IN the cookies, so no one could claim I killed them later.

To my surprise, and horror, someone actually bought out my cookies without waiting for the auction to end!   This means it was even more costly for them!  Wow!  I was in shell shock.  Knowing this could possibly be too go to be true, I waited for the scam to hit me.

It took two days for the person to pay, but they finally did pay (after three invoices and a warning that I'd open an unpaid item case).  All the while, I'm going "he's not gonna pay".. I made the cookies and instead of just making a dozen, I made three batches combined.  I kept about two batches for myself, and stuck them on the counter for the kids to munch on, and sent the buyer NOT twelve as stated in the auction...but SIXTEEN cookies.  This was also another precaution for me.  If any of them were demolished, I wanted to make sure that there were extras in there.  Plus, I was being nice.

I shipped them out the day of him paying (yes this was a GUY), and they arrive at the dude's house in less then 2 days.  I shipped them priority first class small box mail.  I wrapped each cookie individually to seal their freshness, and even added some bubble wrap just for kicks.  (Well, he did buy out the auction after all, I could afford to add some more bubble wrap)

I then sent him an automated message to please let me know if there were any ISSUES (see this word? ISSUES) with his order, as I would like to clear them up immediately.  I didn't want to have any neg feedback again, as those two previous ones had dropped my feedback %... /sigh  I have since decided to NEVER send out this email ever again.  It comes to bite me in the ass later.  I mean really, I was just trying to be fucking nice...but a scammer will jump on that right away!  NEVER try to contact people with this option, as they will try to abuse the fuck out of the system!!!

Okay, approximately 36 hours AFTER this fatass receives his package (10am in the morning he got it, and I shipped it at really like 32 hours)...he sends me the following email(UID: rick-roger):

"They were broken, crumbs or just hard..It was VERY hard.. It cost me over $8.00 for a SMALL dozen..I expected much better...i want refund"

It cost him that much because he bought out the only auction I had of them, and the shipping alone cost me easily $5.80 not counting my supreme packing I did (which is exactly how much he was charged). I decided to check out my own stash of cookies on the counter, which are still there, and not only are they NOT hard...they are STILL chewy.  They came from the same batch and have been sitting in the AIR, not sealed like his were...for the same amount of time.

Naturally, this pissed me the fuck off.  My husband was even more pissed, because it was his recipe (which I usually don't use).  He also received MORE then a dozen, and no they are not "small".  I took a picture of a batch we made the night before with a damn tape measurer against one of them.  So, try again honey.  Cookies don't get hard/stale within 4 days, especially when they are wrapped like Fort Knox.  (This recipe actually has them go stale/hard about a 10 days or more. We know from experience.)

But this is ebay right?  Must remain professional at all times.  This was my official businesslike response to him (you can tell, I'm a little baffled and angry...this was before I started trolling the fuck out of him):

"I sent you 16 not a dozen, and made sure they were packed in a box with air tight seals on the actual cookies. Were all of them really broken and hard? Wow, they were made the day I mailed them and it only took 2 total days in the mail to get there. I expected them to at least survive better in shipping, especially since it was priority mailing. You've had them for a day and a half, is it possible that you have a picture of it that you can send me over ebay? Or return them to me for a full refund (you'd have to pay for shipping)?"

This is somewhat my usual response to these types of situations.  When he responded, I wasn't going to let it go either. I was NOT offering a refund on FOOD (for fuck's sake, I know you ate it), even if Ebay would MAKE me.  But, I wanted to call his bluff first.  I also started coming up with a diabolical plan, that I'd probably only use in one of my MMORPGs to fuck with someone.

I start investigating the guy. No idea why I didn't before. He only has 7 positive feedback, all for the same type of item (not food), and never left ANY other feedback for sellers.  Interesting.  So, they leave him feedback but he leaves none in return?  Huh.  I also look at my paypal account, and find out that on ebay it's a dude...but on paypal, it's a chick.  Even more interesting.  Same address and same last name, but it looks like he bought them for his family or something.  (You can definitely tell from his emails it's a dude)

Okay, so the more I'm investigating, the more I start ripping apart his email.  To quote:
"They were broken, crumbs or just hard..It was VERY hard"  Hm...what is this pick your defect day?  I know I sent multiple items, but that is a LOT of excuses for one thing.  Usually, if something is wrong I get a response like: "It was broken"...not it was broken, and the sky was falling that day, and it was hard, but not just hard...very hard!  Grr...  (My own cookies mind you are still not even close to being hard and they are not "crumbly")

I get the typical response: "i want refund" again, and so starts my trolling.  I also offered to provide him with a video tape of me packing the cookies, and showing how some of my own cookies came from the same batch via a video.  (Total bluff, I didn't make a video of me separating the cookies or packing them)  But, I was just sooo baffled!!!!

It really didn't take much convincing or pretend ignorance on my part...which shows this guy isn't a fucking pro at this.  He keeps repeating that he didn't eat ANY of the cookies, as they were pretty much inedible and I shipped them HORRIBLY!! (My ass...)

I asked him if the cookie recipe came out okay, that maybe it was the recipe I used...but I was unsure as to why my own cookies from the SAME batch, were not hard yet and still sitting on my counter.  After this latest "poor me, my recipe sucks" troll - he does ADMIT to eating my cookies!  My cookies were "full of flavor"!!  Wow asshole, so apparently, at some of them arrived in good enough condition for you to shovel down your throat, huh?  (Even Ebay shouldn't refund this guy when he obviously ATE the item in question, MAYBE a partial refund...but that's a stretch)

He still wants a refund though....until...I tell him that I am more then happy to open a case to ebay with him, and let them help us resolve the matter professionally.  "As I couldn't just up and nilly willy give him a refund without their say so (as it is their site, and I'd rather not get into trouble by the ebay gods...)...." LOL  This is 100% NOT true.  I could have refunded him at any time on either ebay or paypal.

I guess this guy just didn't want ebay involved, because this is the response I get:

"im sorry..i don't expect a refund and I don't know how to do the picture thing. You ask what THE CONDITION of the cookies so that is why made the statement...They were really crumbly and quite a lot of the were broken..May I suggest you cushion the blow..The flavor o the cookies are very good. please package them differently."

I never asked for the condition of the cookies, I told him to let me know if there were ISSUES with the package.  I didn't specify which type of issues.  But, I liked how as soon as I asked for proof and offered up that I had proof of my own (I didn't really)...and decided to involve ebay with all of my proof for them to sort out, he immediately backed down.  He also admits, once again, that my cookies tasted very good.  (I think he was trying assuage my fears of being a terrible chef still.)

If my cookies are hard, and falling apart...then how or rather why the fuck did you eat them?  For that matter, who eats 16 cookies in that short of time? My husband is a firm believer that they all got there okay, if not most of them okay (I mean, we sent extras just in case) and he wanted me to send another batch or to have his cookies and eat them for free.  Wasn't going to happen.

I had a lot of fun with this one, though.  He was a regular idiot.  At the end, even after this email, he kept trying to assure me that my cookies didn't suck.  So instead of just getting the guy away from a refund and negative feedback, I also made him assure me and apologize! LOL  I struck a whole new level of awesome today.

From what I have seen of this type of particular scammer - they never know how to do the picture thing, and they NEVER want to send the item back...  Most of my items are small and don't cost a lot, so they immediately expect a refund..and no they 99% of the time will NOT even send the item back because they "threw it out" or "lost it".  Yup, not kidding.  Those three feedbacks I got?  Same thing with them. This guy makes #4.

They think just because it's a small item that you won't notice them scamming you, but I did.  I watch that shit like a hawk.  I may not like being social, and usually rub people the wrong way, but I can tell when someone is lying through their fucking teeth.  I also know how to manipulate the fuck out of their lies to my favor AND play the "poor pitiful me" card on a scammer like this.

So if you are selling smaller items that don't sell for a lot of money, and someone immediately claims the item is broken or leaves feedback stating it.  If they want you to refund their money WITHOUT proof.  They assume because it costs so little, that you won't put up a fight and will just eat the cost.  I learned this the hard way.  I will NEVER refund without PROOF again.  I will fight for that $.01, and hopefully in the future...eventually teach them a lesson.

Update:  I did receive negative feedback from this tool. "Sorry, the cookies were crumbled and broken. But the pieces had good flavor"  My response was: "Buyer ATE cookies, cdn't refund w/no proof. Extra were sent (16 total). SCAM" He admitted to eating the cookies, and that the problem (if it existed) wasn't even on my end...yet he left negative feedback.  Real mature.  Let's leave negative feedback because we won't be getting a refund.

I called ebay and since I didn't claim in my post that "cookies might be broken", I couldn't remove the feedback...regardless of common sense.  If they are good enough to eat, then why leave the feedback?  If the feedback was left because they can't get a refund, then that's revenge feedback and illegal...and if they refuse to change their feedback unless a refund, that's extortion.  Not hard to figure this out.

I've once again removed all my items off of ebay again.  I'm swapping to ealtbay for good now.  

Update #2:  Actually, I DID write in my post that some of the cookies could be broken.  Ebay was essentially running me around with bullshit.  No surprise there.  I was also told by Ebay to request a feedback removal/edit, so I did.  Boy, that was a bad idea.

Not only did the buyer NOT want to change what they wrote.  But, I got the following two NASTY responses:

"I ate pieces of cookies. They arrived crumbled or broken. Not suitable for guests. No I donot want more cookies or a refund. I learned not to buy cookies on line the hard way."

"I'm sorry but you packaged them with no cushioning.. and that was your responsibility.. Yes I ate broken cookies..only three whole ones. The box was dented. Sorry, my review stands. You'll have to learn from your mistakes. And no I'm not asking for any refund."

So this fucker wants to teach me a random lesson?  Gee, thanks.  I didn't know my Dad was buying shit off ebay from me.  I didn't actually MAKE any mistakes.  I just learned, once again, that Ebay is ALL about the buyers.  Also, no surprise there.

This was my lengthy response, and I tried to keep it as professional as possible:

If the product was of enough quality to eat (but not good enough to leave a positive or neutral feedback) the product should not have been 'consumed'. Which you claim to have done despite your complaints. The box being dented is the fault of the shipping company, not myself. It was not dented when i sent it, and I have photographic proof of that, which I will kindly display as proof that the box was not damaged before being sent out.

If you are going to be making claims that things are broken/crumbling/hard, then you need to prove it. If you can not prove it, then you don't get a refund (Ebay's policy as well as my own.), replacement NOR my sympathy. You wouldn't walk into Walmart without the defective item and 1) demand a refund or 2) start complaining about the entire business franchise over one bad shipment. The shipment being damaged upon delivery is not my fault, but the fault of the shipping company which delivered it to you.

You were offered more of the purchased product to compensate for the damaged cookies. You declined. I offered to refund your purchase, and you could not provide proof that the contents of the package were damaged. I therefor rescind my offer to provide you a refund based on your either unwillingness or inability to provide proof of a defective product.

Since you cannot prove your "claims" to either my or Ebay's satisfactory, no Refund will be given. Your overall behavior has been deplorable throughout this entire business venture since your package arrived. In no way, shape or form have you been willing to cooperate with me to ensure a means of reaching a satisfactory agreement for your claims of a defective product, which was still good enough to consume. Your own words said 'They arrived crumbled or broken. Not suitable for guest.' And yet you still claim to have consumed them, despite all your complaints about them. 

Next time you want to claim something is broken, defective or otherwise unpresentable, please provide proof before consuming the product. My response to your feedback stands, as it is MY opinion of this transaction. You need to learn from YOUR mistakes. If a product is defective, as you claim, then one or several options need to be taken to back up your claim.

1. Photographic evidence be made immediately upon discovering a product that is unsatisfactory in any way to prove that it is either broken, defective, or unfit for the use it was intended for.

2. Returning the defective product back to the sender (Do not consume the product if you are unsatisfied with it.)

3. Provide pictures with your complaint so that you can either get more of the same product or get a refund.

It is my hope you will review this response accordingly and provide a more constructive feedback to future sellers, as well as possible proof of your unsatisfactory claim. If you provide neither, I will assume that this was an attempted effort on your part to scam me either out of more services or to get a refund while keeping the already delivered product for free.

To sum up my experience:  This buyer wasn't happy the minute that package was in the mail.  They didn't want a refund, and they didn't want a replacement sent out.  This was a no win situation, and I was very nice during the whole transaction.  My feedback score is now 72.7%.  Go me. I'm just happy that it's over with, and I got some kicks in.  The guy admitted to eating the cookies within 10 hours of receiving them, he ate 16 cookies in less then 10 himself.  I was really tempted to call him a fat fuck.  I kept it professional as possible.

By the by, when you keep saying you're sorry to a seller and then act like an just makes them want to rip your nuts off. 

Update #3:

This woman has no life and feels the need to try to "shame" me.  Her lectures fall on deaf ears, as she is showing her true colors.

Three messages in less then an hour from her:

"I'm sorry but you packaged them with no cushioning.. and that was your responsibility.. Yes I ate broken cookies..only three whole ones. The box was dented. Sorry, my review stands. You'll have to learn from your mistakes. And no I'm not asking for any refund."

"You are mistaken, I consumed only approx. one cookie..You assumed I ate all of them..Shame on you..I WILL send the remaining ones back to you...Well packaged so you can see for yourself. I purchased many things from ebay but I never have dealt with someone so bitter and angery. And no , it's NOT the carriers fault. It's YOUR fault for not doing a better job in packaging."

"Shame on you, you know you have a packaging problem and you lace into me...I just read your feedback from some of you customers..Shame,, Shame" 

This was my response...and as always I tried to keep it professional:

"As previously stated, you are more then welcome to return them, but I will not issue a refund when the item has been consumed.  You have already claimed to have eaten 3 or more cookies, and your story is constantly changing.  Without ANY proof, and even a portion eaten, there is no basis for a refund or even to be continuing a conversation with you.

If you have a problem with the condition the package arrived, contact the USPS.  They will be more then happy to find the driver that delivered them to you.

Until you provide proof, without any cookies being eaten AT ALL, you will not receive a refund NOR another response from me.  According to Ebay's standards, you are not eligible for even a partial refund at this stage.

Since you have stated numerous times you want neither a refund or replacement, this conversation is over.  You are more then welcome to scour Ebay's website for their policies (as I have done), but I will not continue to repeat myself.

If you dislike the way I packaged my goods, that is completely your opinion.  You did NOT pay for additional packaging.  If you wanted additional packaging, you should have messaged me prior to paying for the item.  Since you did NOT pay for additional secure packaging, they were shipped for the exact price of postage.

You have received 16 cookies, some broken, and have eaten a portion (if not all) of them.  In my ad, it says that some cookies may get broken in transit.  You were prewarned that some may break, and that is why I sent you extra.  You are welcome.

I have blocked you from future sales, just so you won't have this issue with me again.  I will not be changing my policies nor can I change Ebay's policies.  If you dislike Ebay's policies, feel free to contact an Ombudsman.

Prior to your complaint, I had two issues with packaging out of over 40 total transactions.  That is less then 12% complaints of a packaging issue.  One is from 6 months ago, and one is from over a year ago (which will go away soon).  Those two prior complaints were also unfounded, with ZERO proof (as is the case with YOU).  They were also for completely different items, not food.  They also did NOT consume the product, so I nicely (and not needed) refunded them 100%.  I will not refund you, as your attitude is unprofessional and you have consumed the product (with ZERO proof).

Bringing up my feedback is also a good way for Ebay to ban your account for attempted extortion.  Due to this, I have decided to cease all contact with you.  Your messages will now be deleted immediately upon being sent.  I have blocked you from future contact.  This will be the last message you receive from me.

To reiterate:  Until you can provide proof that the items were damaged upon arrival, without ANY consumption, there will be no refund nor a replacement.  Which, you yourself have stated you want neither.  So, to stop this "debate" on your part, I have blocked you completely.

Have a blessed day, and thanks for shopping!

PS. I have also reported your messages for harassment.  Your attempts to shame and/or enlighten me, are completely unprofessional.  Ebay is not to be used to insult, degrade, or shame. Ebay is a "yard sale" type of website. It is not to be used to attempt to install your version of morals or ethics.  I have been nothing but professional in my responses to you, and even listed Ebay's policies for your future benefit.  If you do not like Ebay's policies, then as previously stated, contact an Ombudsman or your local congressman." 

She has a problem with my packaging, when I individually sealed each of the 16 cookies and wrapped them in bubble wrap to avoid breaking.  I sent her 4 extra, and she claimed the box was dented.  You can tell her story has changed a lot.  From eating crumbles and broken pieces, to eating 3 cookies, and now to eating only 1.  She got mad the box was dented, and when I pointed out that it was not my fault if the box is dented...she is now attacking MY packaging.  She's lucky she even got bubblewrap.

Since I have told her I have blocked her (and I did, it's just not fucking working), I will respond to all other messages with "This message could not be delivered".  At least, until she gets the hint.  She'll send more, and I'll keep posting her little fit of rage...but I won't respond.  She needs to get a job and stop trying to be the moral police...when she has lied multiple times to me. 

This was the only response I have received from her since:

"Miss, I was a Ombudsman for the state of retired from it."

It is obvious this person is NOT an Ombudsman.  They are either elected or hand-selected.  If this person can't even type appropriately, I doubt they are smart enough or even intelligent enough to be one.  My Ebay name also says MRS. on it...not Miss.  So, just shows how little she knew about her target.  She couldn't even remember my address.

After this transaction, I sold two more and got perfect ratings.  My feedback score is at a wonderful 75%. LOL 

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