Thursday, August 22, 2013

I hate other parents and their kids...

First, I want to let you all know that yes...I am a mom. I have two kidlets, and one more on the way (5 months pregnant). My oldest is 7, and my youngest is 5. I am probably breaking some form of TOS just by posting on here... I will NOT say that my children are perfect, but I am a strong believer in punishments, removing them from stores/restaurants/etc, please/thank you, and the bubble. My kids know ALL about the bubble. I don't let them within 5 feet of a stranger, and no...they will not talk to you, unless you talk to them first and they ask for permission. (I warn them about pedophiles, even if you're not gets them to leave you the hell alone)

Shit, my oldest's favorite show is the Walking Dead...and my youngest loves to make fun of the bratty kids we see in public. You can easily tell within 5 seconds of meeting us, that technically we're not "normal"...especially here. Here, my kids are supposed to act like little snots and I'm supposed to be some sort of doting mother. Nope. Not gonna happen. Do something wrong, act like a brat, even I won't tolerate it.

I live in UTAH. Yup, my husband is military and we were stationed in the canyon while he finished his Master's in Math. It has been a living hell ever since we got here. I never really noticed a lot of the problems before we lived here...and we've been here 4 years (trying to sell this damn house!). This is the capital of billions of children.

Okay, I have been having a lot of issues with other "moos", "toadlers", and "famblies" I googled the crap out of the problems I was having, and decided to make my own post about some of the insane things I have come across.  I did eventually find a website that was for people without children...which is where a lot of these terms come from.  However, I HAVE children, and would never be accepted there.

I have been run over by strollers with 10 yr olds in them and gotten the death look plus the attitude. I have dealt with the entitled attitude from parents, to the extent that I absolutely refuse to have ANY contact with the parents here. I have dealt with the little snots at restaurants (all the while MY kids are either at home, or acting like angels...because god forbid we actually discipline our children here!). These people don't believe in discipline and have taken the "positive reinforcement" parenting style to a whole new level.

Hell...when we bought our house did you know the parents in the neighborhood wanted to turn my backyard into a playground? They even petitioned the CITY to OWN MY LAND! OMFG! It took a year to clear up, but it is obviously our land. Duh. But these little special snowflakes decided that since we didn't own a fence (neither did the previous owners...?), that our land suddenly became their children's play property. I had to call the cops numerous times for their kids sneaking onto my property to swim in our pool, without permission. Yes, we did get a fence eventually...thank god.

Let's see...there is the constant breastfeeding in public to...preteens. This is also considered normal, and I personally find it really gross. I always asked to be moved away from the offender in restaurants, because once I actually did puke on the woman. Oopsies.

Uh...there's been the children in grocery stores, being allowed to open food and spread a massive mess behind the buggy. Ew. I even saw the same child/moo, hand a soggy poopy diaper to the check-out woman to throw out. Double ew.

I've seen parents either completely ignore their kids, or they beat their children in public. Went to Ross the other day and a mother was beating her kid with a sandal. NO ONE said anything to this chick until I stepped in. Insanity. I've also been yelled at for not holding the door for a mother, stroller, and 12 brattlings... I've been yelled at for not talking to their children in lines at's not my job to entertain your little shit.

I even worked for McDonald's here for a brief stint (I have no idea what I was thinking...I have a Masters in Criminal Law...), and watching multiple parents let their kids have temper tantrums over the toys in the happy meal. I kid you not, they thought their little shit was adorable with it's high pitched whining. I'd never let my kids get away with that crap.

We even have dealt with them purposely breaking our solar lights, and re-arranging our Xmas the tune of $1,000 in one year. When the parents are confronted about their little brats, they are in denial.. "kids will be kids"...MY ASS! My kids don't destroy YOUR shit. WTF. My favorite response was: "Well, what do you expect me to do about it?" Uh...really?

I've also had to deal with the back to school night recently, where I got stepped on by at least 15 overweight/obese moos...with no apology, and a "Move next time" from a few. Yup. I know I look like I'm fucking 18, but shit bitch...if you step on someone, apologize and don't be an ass just because I don't look like I ate the entire KFC! Don't get me started on the obese moos, those piss me off more then the whore moos do. (Some whore moos like to show up to pick up their kids from school wearing clothes fit for a 10 yr old. What's that quote? "If your vagina lips are longer then your shorts, then you need new shorts" or something.)

I have dealt with the "pay atttention to me!!!! I'm 6 WEEKS pregnant, love me and my brat!", or the "she's only a day old, isn't she cute??" (why is she outside the house, attention needy much?). I've had the snippy comments from parents about how *I* (a stranger) didn't watch their kid playing in the street. Didn't you know? It's completely common for these breeders to send their kids out to play, to annoy the shit out of EVERYONE in their vicinity...instead of I don't know...WATCHING them. We have had several child abductions in the past month, which is rare for here surprisingly, and everyone is always SO surprised...but I NEVER am. They don't raise or watch their kids!

So, yes, all of this DOES happen and people need to learn how to CHANGE how they raise their kids.


Anonymous said...

Parents have to learn that it's not right to allow their kids to misbehave.

Alysrian said...

People need to learn that it's okay to punish your kids, and if you raise your children to be selfish entitled brats (very common here)...then they will grow up to be selfish entitled brats.

Anonymous said...

Wow this is exactly what I've been telling my spouse, family, and friends. The worst part about being a parent is other parents and their kids. I hate ill-mannered children but I hate the parents more.

Alysrian said...

This was posted such a long time ago, and my hate has only grown today. I now have 4 children, 2 in the school system. The other parents have gotten worse. From parents complaining that my kids won the science fair, and how their little shit should win instead because of some special reason...and how it's unfair that two kids in the same family won instead. To parents doing projects/homework for the kids. To parents bitching over PARKING SPACES.

For fuck's sake. I've even had arguments with some of the locals (we don't live in Utah anymore because of the Mormon bullying bullshit) about how there IS a line between being a helicopter parent and being inattentive. WHY is it so hard to understand - "don't abandon your 5 yr old at a fucking park alone, and expect other parents to babysit it!"

We've had Mormon parents purposefully teach their kids to bully my kids because were inactive in the church (read: no longer Mormons/LDS due to their antics). The final straw that caused our move was a little shit trying to smother my oldest in the snow, and no one giving a shit about her almost suffocating to death.

Now, we deal with the obese parents who bitch over parking spots in the school pick up lane. Some bitch is currently pissed off that I get there first in line (read: show up really early and get there first), so she has started gossip circles about how I'm sooo evil. Fucking retarded. Grow up people! I have more important things to worry about - like those last minute projects you keep throwing at my kids!

Aside from that, where we are now...there is no much bullying that goes on. It's mostly ALL the parents, with a few kids that are exactly like them. So, we avoid the fuck outta them. Here the parenting style is basically to be entitled fucktards. Everyone is entitled and wants to be their kids' best friend.

We are buying our new house soon. It is in the middle of nowhere. We finish the paperwork latest beginning of December, earliest July. I can't wait to get away from people. They are fucking terrible.