Sunday, August 29, 2010

Big Love: Season 1, Episode 9

I'm surprised we didn't start out with sex scene again. Seemed to the director's way of saying, "Hey, sex sells...let's put it in every 5minutes of the show! It'll be a hit!". But, we didn't do it this time! Wow! They have taken a step forward into the land of REAL directing/producing. (Nvm...they had a sex scene at 4:35...not even 5minutes in)

Even though Bill and Roman came to an agreement, I am sure that Roman is going to go all pity-party and still cause problems for Bill. He doesn't seem very happy with the "deal", and naturally (as we've seen numerous times in this show) all men are childish babies. So, he's going to continue to cause problems for Bill. I wouldn't be surprised, because apparently the writers know nothing about how real men act. They don't act like childish, spoiled kids. For that matter, they know nothing about real women either. Let's not even get into all of that.

Common theme from his random sex acts is that the girls don't exactly have orgasms. He gets off and then is like, okay shower. So they are left to get themselves off or just go to sleep. That's fairly fucking selfish.

Nikki telling him about the debt after sex, is obviously not the right time. Hell, I don't know if there EVER was a good time to tell him she had 9 credit cards (WTF?) and is $60k in debt. What a moron. She deserves whatever backlash she gets from it, plus I think he guessed that her daddy helped her out and we all know how he feels about Roman. What an irresponsible bitch. Perfect of her to start a scene in public. Way to care about the nosey neighbors! She deserves what's coming to her. Way for Nikki to get Barb into her shit too. Let's drag everyone down with Nikki! Now, since things aren't going the way she wants them to - she starts pretending to be nice and sucking up. Cute. (Margie needs to butt out, she doesn't need to know everything - she wouldn't even understand what the fuck they are even saying anyways) Of course, she wants a free night with him. Wahh...I did somethign wrong...reward me!

Naturally, everything is about Margie and her poor wittle feelings! Poor Margie, there was a vote to let her into the family. WAHHH!! Little does she realize, everyone votes on things like that. It was a major decision, shut the fuck up you little whiner. I can't believe she is asking the KIDS about the vote. Talk about overreacting to something that happened YEARS ago. It doesn't even matter what was said during that time. What a crazy bitch! Poor baby they didn't instantly like her trying to mooch into the family like a gold digger.

I'm hating these chicks the longer I watch this show. The only tolerable one is Barb, and even then I think she is stupid to stay with Bill. I can't stand Nikki at all because of her irresponsibility with EVERYTHING, and Margie needs to grow the fuck up. This shit happened YEARS ago, who the fuck cares if they didn't want another spouse - any spouse, in their marriage? It's none of her business what they decided back in the day. Plus, as shown by her obvious need for attention, she's not helping herself by continuing her relationship with the neighbors. I don't care for her excuses, she has small children and needs to deal with raising her kids - not running off "having fun". GROW UP!

I'm also not surprised that they set her up with a blind date, without telling her. She talks about how hard it is being "single" all the time. She also expressed interest in the single's ward and it's activities. However, I do think they are overstepping in just assuming that she would want a guy in her life. LDS members are NOT anti-soda, btw. I actually drink soda more then anything else. Mountain Dew and Cherry Coke are my favorities. My husband doesn't even really drink milk unless he's eating cake.

I can't believe that Bill is placing the blame on Barb for this. She didn't even keep the secret long, nor is she responsible for what his other grown wives do. Unlike him, she has actually been taking care of everything else. I think it is unrealistic to assume she has responsibility for everything they do. Where is his shit he needs to take care of? Oh that's right, he doesn't do anything but work. He naturally throws everything else onto Barb and then gets cranky when things go haywire. What do you expect? Neither of those two kids have any respect for her, let alone any responsibility for what they do! You've got one running off with the neighbors on blind dates, and another one racking up the bills. Way to pick awesome wives!

Of course, Margene needs to get involved in something that is obviously none of her businesss. She needs to drop this whole vote thing. Obviously, no one wanted to tell her because she's too immature to grasp the concept of it. Even if they all voted for her, she would have had a fit about it. Plus, she let Chad (?) come inside and give her flowers. She obviously just has an attention issue. If something isn't about her, she freaks out and causes even more problems. Margie acts like she was completely voted out, she wasn't obviously. She's still there. What a dumbass.

Nikki is really overreacting and make this another pity party. No one ever kicked her out, and all she did was overreact. She ran to a shelter, stayed there for attention. She's not a discarded woman, and if anything she would only be one because of HERSELF. Way to freak out. Way to ditch your kids, you spoiled bitch! I LOVED how he said he liked being in control - gee you think? Wow! She didn't even stay a shelter, she was lying through her fucking teeth! I knew it!

Real mature driving all the way out there just to throw trash as a small dinky sign. So grown up!

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