Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fire Marshall - Part 3

I followed your suggestions and hired a local "extermination" company. They showed up one day ($150 later) and sprayed everything with super-concentrated roundup. So far 5 (?) days later, there is no difference. Just a bit of browning on some of the taller weeds. I did notice that some of the other weeds have slowly started to thin out. I'm sure they will come back, but until then the yard looks somewhat more stable. However, I still need to rake up what was cut and what died. Our grass has turned into a deadland. LOL I need to rake that up too and replant our grass. How long should I wait?

I've talked to the hubby about the rototiller. I sent him pictures of the yard, as is. He says I've done more work then he assumed I would. Yay! Props for me! He will be home in about a week.


We decided to wait (since Simply Me said it requires a lot of strength/muscle) till he gets home to attempt to use one. The gravel and mulch are in mounds. About 2-3 feet deep (not counting the dead trees or ivy). I've contacted a local farmers (one down the block), and they told me that I could rent something to remove it. Luckily one of their cattle lines goes right behind our house, so we're going to drive it up through the back and attempt to pile up as much as possible.

I also talked to that extermination company about what to do with the mulch. Apparently there is some sort of company that will buy the gravel and reuse it. I'm not sure who to contact or how to go about it though.


After weeks of work with the rototiller and all the other suggestions, we have gotten a letter from the fire marshall. Apparently our entire yard needs to be cleaned up in 15 days or they will charge in excess of $5,000 (which I don't have, just paid for my daughter to get surgery) to clean up JUST the front yard. The worst part about this is that the letter was dated the 29th of July, yet didn't get it until yesterday. Therefore, they will be here any day and our neighbors are complete jerks.

We work outside everyday and it IS getting better. No landscaper will touch it STILL. The weeds have diminished in the backyard, however the front has even more work to be done. Everytime we take a step forwards, we are thrown another step back.

No one has offered to help, all they did was call the police several times (as of today, 3x they have come out to cite us). We have lived here very little amount of time, and I'm not sure what these people are smoking. If they actually NOTICED, they would realize HOW much work we've done.

So far, the race is on to get as much done as possible. Wonderful neighbors.

PS. We are considering going to our local ward and talking smack about what is going on here. My nice husband even considered saying something like "We've lived here less then 4 months and inherited a terrible yard...and NO ONE has offered to help." I am still considering putting a sign up telling them to screw off.

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