Saturday, August 28, 2010

WoW and Glyphs

So, we just xferred to a new server. I didn't have my main character (Alchemist), so I decided to delve into the glyph market. I spent 20,000 gold total so far getting into it. I have made back over 30,000 the first two days. Now, I am teetering on not making any money.

Apparently, a bunch of assholes decided that they didn't like glyphs going for 20-60g. These are good prices. I figure, when cata comes out we won't be making near as much money anymore and some people use gems for less time then they do glyphs. Hence, it's a decent market. So these people decided they were going to post glyphs for 2g each, sometimes less. That's not even a profit.

Here's a fact, if you drive down a market - you drive them all down. People won't make as much money, and won't spend as much. It affects them all. Hence, I decided to fix the market. I've been buying out anything I don't like, and reposting for a higher price. This has cost me quite a bit of gold.

However, other people are profitting off of my work. About 4-5 people. The worst part is, they are not helping the situation at all. They just underbid willy nilly. So, I've started buying their shit too. Eventually they will all get the hint and disappear. Good thing I have no life now that I'm high as kite from the wisdom teeth shit.

We'll see how it goes. I just have this theory that if you're not HELPING, then get the fuck out of the market. I'm spending my gold to fix all this shit, and if YOU aren't. Then I don't fucking care if you don't make money. Kthx.

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