Monday, August 16, 2010

Internships Being Taken Over By Adults!!

So, I was reading an article about how college students are complaining that they aren't getting their internships because they are going to adults with more experience. Most likely these adults were laid off and are just looking for a pay check to support their families.

That's the story.

I'm a big believer in supporting yourself. However, when it comes down to a family of 4 versus a freshly graduated college student...I feel that the parent should win. In a depression, I don't think that it is morally correct to give a job position to some little spoiled brat (who probably never worked a day in their life) over someone who NEEDS the money in order to keep a roof over their head.

I'm appallled at the numerous responses from the college students. Apparently, they all think it's a-okay to stab a father of 4 in the back just to get their newest video game. I think the parent should take priority over the kid with no experience. Not only does he NEED the money, but he has prior experience to boot. With a college kid, you have no idea if they will even show up for work on time! And look at those attitudes they display! Who wants to work with that!

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