Monday, August 23, 2010

Tom Hanks, HBO and Big Love

I was pointed to the show called Big Love by a random poster. I am going to start watching it from the start, but I have high hopes that it will be - yet another - inaccurate portrayal of Mormons/LDS members. I have already seen several posts from people approving the Proposition 8 (remember the prophet made a damaging comment about not voting for it, but later clarified it after the news completed distorted what he said), and that is purely out of revenge and hate.

I also noticed another interesting tidbit. Apparently it was LEGAL to kill a Mormon person (not FLDS, wtf?) until the year 2000. What the fuck. If anyone should be legal to shoot on sight, it should be Phelps or the FLDS. I mean what the fuck. We're not pedophiles and we're pretty awesome guys.

I will say this. From what I saw of the "wedding ceremony" in the temple, and the news article about the "LDS and FLDS" joining arms against the invasion of our sacred religious traditions...I am really not looking forwards to watching it.

This was my response on one of their message boards in regards to it:

There are many people here making comments about the temple marriage that was shown on the HBO series Big Love. I was disgusted to see all of your comments. It showed me how many bigots and uninformed people in the world there still are. This show is an inaccurate portrayal of the LDS faith. It doesn't even distinguish between the FLDS, ROLDS (Reorganized LDS) and LDS communities.

Aside from not distinguishing between them, their facts about our temple covenants and "rituals" were far from true. The producers and Tom Hanks didn't even get their facts from ACTIVE members, who are ALLOWED inside the most sacred section of the temple. For the record: If someone is no longer an active member in the church, they are NOT allowed in the temple for baptisms or ANY other type of "ritual". They are only allowed inside the visitors center without a temple recommend. It is literally impossible to get into a temple without your recommend, which is kept on file at ALL churches and ALL temples.

Why would the show trust anyone that was no longer a member, or never was? For example, the main character MIGHT of been a member - but obviously no longer why take her word for it? That is like asking a child abuser for insight into a child's mind. It is completely false and skewed. I would never believe someone as a "source" of fact on something, that they are SO obviously biased against.

The main character (Barb?), claims she is a polygamist during the entire series but if you asked anyone in the church if a polygamist is allowed inside a church (let alone a temple) - the answer will be unequivocally NO. She is excommunicated for committing adultery and breaking one of our most sacred commandments. For good reason!

Contrary to what she claimed on the show, she is NOT cast into eternal damnation for being a polygamist (or was it because she was excommunicated? either was she has no idea what she is talking about). There are actually multiple levels of hell, and the eternal damnation is saved for the lowest of the low. Adultery is one sin out of 10 - though there are some minor ones. If she murdered an entire town and assaulted 50 children, THEN she'd be screwed. So, she is obviously wrong. The water works were a nice touch for all those bigots out there.

The entire ceremony that I saw (I only saw blips, still need to watch the entire series), is false. In that light, the Mormon church doesn't see the temple marriage ceremony as a cult-ish secret, but rather as sacred. Every religion has something that is sacred, and our temples are ours. The fact that HBO claimed to have "inside information" on it (most of which is made up from an internet search) and then willingly threw it on the show, shows us how little respect they have for ANY religion.

This is not a matter of "freedom of the press" or "freedom of speech". Those two freedoms will only go so far, and if you are infringing on the rights of others ("freedom of religion"!) then you should be held accountable. I am not saying our prophet should sue HBO, but I am saying that they crossed a line. It is like undressing Tom Hank's wife and parading her down the street naked. That is how a lot of us feel, especially since the show (from what I've seen) NEVER CORRECTS it's mistakes. This is definitely a mistake.

Also, their apology is a half-hearted attempt to make light of the situation. We all remember the South Park episode where they attempted to draw Muhammad (?). That religion caused such a stink over it, that eventually they came up with a way around it...without insulting the religion or it's SACRED beliefs. We were never afforded that luxory. Not when the series started, and not when this episode aired. We were only asked for our opinions AFTER the fact, and then offered a pat on the back. I am honestly not surprised at this. Everyone sees Mormons as a disgusting version of a religion. They see our prophet say something slightly misleading and use it against us. Every chance people get, they attack us - and it's been this way from the start of our relgion.

I have seen a lot of bigotry and intolerance in the comments. Not only do many of you assume you know EVERYTHING about our religion because of this series, but a lot of you are taking revenge on us. Apparently the prophet's words on Prop 8 has skewed a few minds. I hope you all realize that his words were taken out of context, and the reporters offered a retraction. Also, any LDS member that DID agree with banning gay marriage, did so out of their OWN OPINION and their OWN POCKET. Meaning, everyone has a different opinion on it (I personally agree with gay marriage).

You all do realize that being hateful creatures only makes people want to oppose it even more, right? Well, good thing most of us are amazing people and can give you repentence - even when you don't want/ask for it. I hope you all realize that this show is just a major slam fest against our religion. Not one fact on here is actually factual. It is purely for entertainment, and people are eating it up. When my kids are all grown up, I am sure they will still be made fun of because of our religion (hell, even if their Mom just stay LDS). As soon as outsiders hear that we are LDS, we see the looks. We hear the comments. This is why we LOVE being in Utah. In NJ, there were only 5 LDS members in my huge HS. My classmates fucked with me about my religion ALL the time. And when you attempt to explain it to them, you get attacked even more. It's VERY hard to explain some things as a teenager, when people just ignore you anyways.

I find it rather hypocritical of all the Prop 8 lovers to claim WE don't have tolerance for THEM, when they easily attack our religion for certain opinions. It's like grouping all women together just because ONE woman doesn't like make-up. Just because a few people feel one way, doesn't mean we all do. Have some common sense, and if you're not going to have common sense - don't be fucking ignorant, hypocritical prick about it.

As per the LDS religion having allowed "spiritual polygamy" between a man and multiple wives, I would like to add that you can get a "spiritual divorce". It is a pretty simple task, much easier then getting sealed together. The "spiritual polygamy" is just another case of people acting like they know something when in reality, they don't. The way the doctrine was worded (someone quoted it), was from when the church was created in 1600. It has not changed since, and I doubt they will update it anytime soon. It was never meant to enforce the idea of polygamy (we have been against it since the beginning of our church), and instead to help families understand the importance of being attached to each other after death. Personally, when I die, I would like to know that my kids are near me and my husband is there too. Just how I am - make them put up with me even after they die! BWAHAHAH!

So, to me, HBO and Tom Hanks crossed a line. Our temples are sacred, and no cameras are even allowed in there (just like in OTHER religious temples across the globe). Let alone non-active non-members. What was shown on this show is an inaccurate portrayal of our religion, yet again. None of the things shown on the show are FACTS. The creators/writers/producers of this shown have shown me within 5minutes of watching, that they will NEVER clarify this explicitly with their viewers.

We are NOT an occult. We never WERE! Just because people do not understand our practices or beliefs, doesn't mean that we are one. There are some things (like in our temples) that outsiders will NEVER understand. Hell, some our ex/members don't even grasp the concept of it. It was never about a secret handshake and a leg lock. It was ALWAYS about WANTING to be SEALED with your spouse for eternity, so that you are NEVER separated.

It has many deep religious connotations for us, and is NOT about "secret" practices. You all are acting like we slaughter sheep in our temples, and we do not. It is more for us to deepen our faith, love, trust and minds. I do not attend church regularly, nor go to the temple anymore, but I can tell everyone that I would NEVER EVER slander our religion like Tom Hanks and Big Love has done.

So, in the end, if you don't understand it or know EVERYTHING that goes on in the church (exLDS members can butt out, you're skewed), shut your fucking mouth. You're all acting like jackasses and need a serious reality check. Don't tell me you want tolerance for your gay marriage and then attack me the next day because of my fucking religion. You're all fucking hypocrites.

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